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Introducing The Hub: helping students unlock their potential

Hosted on Blackboard, students can now access The Hub, our new online resource and one-stop-shop to help them make the most of their time studying with us.

The sites (linked below) signpost undergraduate and postgraduate taught students to lots of helpful information including: student support, academic help, careers information, ‘how to’ guides (such as ‘How do I find out more about a module’), and much more.

The Hub was previously available within two faculties and now, due to positive student feedback, the service has been made available for students across all faculties.

The sites, championed by student representatives and last academic year’s Sabbatical Officers, have been developed alongside feedback from the Students’ Union, as well as a number of other departments across the University.

Five sites have been set up, one for each faculty, and students can find links to access their faculty Hub below:

Faculty staff can also access the links above. All academic staff, especially Personal Academic Tutors, are invited to help raise awareness of The Hub with their students.

For more information, please contact:

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