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Conversational group returns for Doctoral Researchers

Doctoral researchers are invited to join a conversational group, starting?Thursday 7 November 2019.

This initiative, run by?Enabling Services?and supported by?the Doctoral College, will bring doctoral researchers together as a group for six 1.5 hour sessions, to discuss?issues which are important to them.

Taking place on Highfield Campus, the group will meet every?Thursday?from 7 November until?12 December.

Aline Giordano, Doctoral College Manager, said:

“We know that studying for a PhD can be tough and sometimes you might need to step away from it and reconnect with others in a more humane way. The conversation group is an intimate group that aims to enable doctoral researchers to make meaningful connections with each other in a safe environment.”

The PGR Conversation Group is for students who would like the opportunity to talk with peers in a supportive and neutral space about issues which concern them. It is open to all postgraduates but would probably be of most interest to PhD students.

To find out more information, please visit this page.

For more information or to register to join the group, please contact Enabling Services by emailing:?

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