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Welcome to our new Vice-Chancellor

Today, 1 October 2019, we welcome Professor Mark E. Smith, who joins the University as our new President and Vice-Chancellor.

Mark comments:

“I’ve been inspired by what I’ve learned about the University in recent months and I will be spending my first 100 days getting to know more. I will be engaging with our staff and student communities and connecting with alumni and stakeholders in the city and region and in organisations we partner with around the world.”

Colleagues and students will have plenty of opportunities to get to know our new VC – he’ll be dropping into each of our campuses over the next two to three weeks to say hello to staff and students and see our different sites and facilities. He will then begin a programme of more in-depth visits, including an all-staff meeting with each School and Directorate. These will continue through his first 100 days and will include a trip to the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Malaysia (UoSM).

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