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Reminder: Invitation to join our new Sustainability Community of Practice

A dynamic new University network tailored for staff members passionate about sustainability launches in January 2024.

If you are eager to engage in discussions, share innovative ideas, and contribute to both individual and collective efforts aimed at addressing climate change, this is the community for you.

The inaugural meeting is scheduled for 24 January at 15:30 – 17:00 and the group extends a warm invitation for you to join.

Topics and speakers at this first session will be:

  • Why Sustainability Matters – an overview of the current crisis by Ian Williams, Professor of Applied Environmental Science in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.
  • Sustainability Strategy Goal 1 – achieving Net Zero Emissions for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by Adam Tewkesbury, Associate Director of Environment & Sustainability.
  • Building a Community – by Nick Maguire, Professorial Fellow-Enterprise, School of Psychology.

Following each presentation, there will be time for questions. To express your interest in joining, please fill in this form.

Heading the CoP is Michael Shaw, a member of the Sustainability Implementation Group (SIG) who says:

“This dedicated space provides an opportunity for staff members to gain insights into sustainability challenges, to track the University’s progress towards meeting its six sustainability goals, and foster a collaborative environment where ideas and personal stories about sustainability can be exchanged.

“As the community grows we will be looking to set up a number of events that engage the wider University community into thinking and acting more sustainably.”

Professor Simon Kemp, Deputy-Director of our recently launched Sustainability and Resilience Institute (SRI) welcomes the new initiative saying:

“The launch of this new Community of Practice is a wonderful addition to our continually evolving sustainability work at the University. Sustainability is all about collaboration, innovation, energy, and a desire to contribute to positive change.

“This CoP provides an important space where everyone at the University can be involved in tackling this most wicked of problems, and crucially it’s a grassroots initiative led by passionately interested colleagues. We look forward to supporting and being part of its success!”

Meeting Frequency:

In 2024, the CoP plans to conduct six meetings. Additionally, throughout the year, they will organise various community activities stemming from these sessions. Each meeting will feature speakers addressing key topics for approximately 20 minutes, followed by a Q&A session.

Staff Engagement:

To get involved, attend the meetings and explore opportunities for participation. Workstreams will be established to facilitate discussions, implementation, and promotion of sustainable activities throughout the university community.

Integration with other Sustainability Teams at the University:

The SCoP operates within the wider sustainability framework at the University, maintaining regular communication with members from the Sustainability Implementation Group and the Sustainability and Resilience Institute. Notably, some individuals from these groups play pivotal roles within the CoP. Each meeting will include updates on one of the Strategy Goals.

The Community of Practice now have their own SharePoint site which will be added to as the Community develops.

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