Courses / Modules / LING3014 Language Testing and Assessment in Society

Language Testing and Assessment in Society

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Ying Zheng
Academic year

Module overview

This module develops awareness of how language testing and assessment have developed in educational and wider social contexts. It focusses on both purposes and processes of language testing and assessment, and critically examines applications in policy areas such as education, employability, migration, and citizenship. It examines the issues involved in making judgements about language proficiency for these purposes. It also explores the theoretical foundations for making judgements in different settings, and the skills required by both testers and test-takers. In this module, you will have opportunities to consider aspects of the role of English as a global language, issues of social justice and equality of opportunity, and the development of digital technologies in language testing and assessment.