Courses / Modules / MANG3065 Information, Organisation and Accountability from a Historical Perspective

Information, Organisation and Accountability from a Historical Perspective

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Roy Edwards
Academic year

Module overview

  • The process of globalisation and international competition looking at the role of companies and markets in the United States, Germany, Japan, the Tiger economies and China. This provides context for developing an analysis of the response from British institutions.
  • The organisational challenge – from the firm level to governmental response – within the British economy to increasing globalisation and associated restructuring associated with technological change.
  • The evolution and conceptualisation of business models by business and the associated policy approaches.
  • This module will also use archival documents to illustrate the decision making process associated with restructuring, financial analysis and strategy.

Linked modules

Prerequisites: MANG1044 or MANG1001 or MANG1025