Courses / Modules / MUSI3148 Music in the Community with Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra

Music in the Community with Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Academic year

Module overview

This innovative module, developed and delivered in close collaboration with the BSO Participate Team, will allow you to develop a range of skills and experience in community music practice. You will undertake training with BSO Associates and members of the BSO Participate Team in how to develop, lead and run music workshops. You will document what you have learnt through a learning diary. You will also research and deliver an individual presentation focused on a topic related to community music.

A minimum of 20 students are required to run this module and there is a cap of 30 students with level 6 students having priority over level 5 and level 7 students.