Courses / Modules / UOSM2026 Ethics in Science, Engineering and Technology: Jekyll and Hyde

Ethics in Science, Engineering and Technology: Jekyll and Hyde

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 5
Module lead
Paul Duckmanton
Academic year

Module overview

Starting from the underlying themes in Jekyll and Hyde, wherein a scientific discovery can be seen as having both beneficial (Dr. Jekyll) and detrimental aspects (Mr. Hyde), this module delves into the general area of the ethics and social responsibility of scientific discovery in the present day.

The contextual setting of the Jekyll and Hyde story (which students will be expected to read) acts as a jumping-off point to examine a series of modern, topical case studies with issues that stubbornly refuse to go away. Delivery will take the form of lectures, seminars, and formal debates by students taking the module.