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The University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,
Doctoral College

Facilities in the School

NOCS Specific information

Security at NOCS

Security control is based in the North wing on level 4. Guards are contactable on ext. 26999. Security is operational 24hrs a day 365 days a year.


The pigeonholes for post are located on level 4/564/19. Please check your pigeonhole regularly. Official outgoing mail should be placed in the relevant trays (Internal and External). All private mail must be stamped. For all heavy packages, and any special delivery items, a postage form should be completed with the relevant grant code. The forms are available in the rack attached to the pigeonholes and from the NOCS reception. There is further information as well as the required forms for sending packages on the Facilities pages of the NOCS Intranet.

Postgraduate Lounge

The postgraduate lounge is in 086/03. This is an area for you to meet with fellow graduate students, drink coffee, socialise, check your e-mail and celebrate important events such as PhD completions.

Sea time and Fieldwork opportunities

Students who wish to obtain seagoing experience outside their area of research can often obtain a berth on a scientific cruise through the NOCS. Also, there are opportunities to take part in scientific fieldwork programmes. Opportunities are publicised via email and should be discussed with your supervisor and Advisory Panel

The NOCS Network

The network within NOCS is run by the NOCS Information Technology Group (ITG). The ITG also maintain the Unix and Netware central servers and the link to the Highfield Campus. The Netware servers provide a (limited) file storage area, and printing facilities, and access to a number of basic utility software packages. The ITG provides a Help Desk for problems relating to the NOCS network and servers. The Help desk is situated in Room 234/03.


A consequence of being located at the NOCS is that students need to be registered on both the NOCS and main University computer systems (ISS). Your e-mail address is “your user

Environmental Management at NOCS

Environmental Management at the NOC is overseen by Laura Porter and the Environ team within the Estates department . However, all staff have a role to play in maintaining good environmental performance at the Centre.

In July 2010 NOC 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, and Liverpool gained ISO14001 certification for its Environmental Management System (EMS). This commits the Centre to continual environmental improvement across all of its operations (excluding off shore research vessels). Environmental Targets have been set by the Centre and cover a range of areas from energy consumption and travel, to biodiversity and legal compliance.

If you have any questions regarding environmental management or the contents of these pages please email .

网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, environmental performance is summarised on an annual basis and presented to the senior management, and our core commitments are outlined in the NOC Environment Policy . The NOC ISO14001 Certificate is on display in the reception areas in both Liverpool and 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,.


Students are encouraged to cycle to NOCS. Even though bike theft is extremely rare please lock your bike up in the cycle parking provided. Please also use the cycle paths within NOCS.

Chemical spill

If you find a chemical spill at NOCS, please report it to NOCS Reception, extension 26666.


The evacuation signal indicating a fire within the building is a continuous audible tone. The fire alarms are tested at 08:45 every Monday morning.

First Aid

In the event of an accident involving an injury, you should immediately call the NOCS security extension 26999 and inform your supervisor, technical superintendent, safety officer or head of School. Personal injuries must be reported immediately to the safety officer, either directly or through the student office and an accident report form completed on the day of the incident.

NOCS room bookings

To Register as a user :

  • To be able to access this system you must ensure you are registered as a?user.
  • To obtain your user name, email the Estates Helpdesk , who will send you your login details.

How to access Room Bookings:

  • Please watch the short video for instructions on how to access the system.
  • Open QFM Web via Room Booking Web Module
  • Use QFM Web to view bookings for these rooms/areas.

Ocean and Earth Science Driving Policy for PGRs

General Requirements

  • All postgraduate research students (PGRs) are registered with the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, and are therefore required to follow university guidance with regard to the use of motorised vehicles. NOC has a different driving policy for their staff but that policy does NOT apply to PGRs working within NOC divisions.
  • The university Health & Safety ‘Travel at Work’ policy is available on the main Health, Safety & Risk website via SUSSED.
  • While the university ‘Travel at Work Policy’ refers to ‘staff’, it also applies to PGR students driving for work purposes.
    • If driving a motorised vehicle for work, you must have a valid licence for that vehicle and country.
    • You will ensure that if using your own motorised vehicle, you have valid insurance covering business use and that your vehicle is maintained in a suitable roadworthy condition.

Driving University insured (or hire) vehicles

  • The ‘Travel at Work Policy’ indicates that “wherever possible the driver should be an employee (or a PGR student) aged 25 years or over with a clean licence and 3 years’ experience authorised by the Head of School or by his / her nominee” .
  • In special circumstances permission can be given by a Head of School for drivers between the age of 21 and 24 with a clean licence and 3 years’ experience. However, drivers under the age of 23 years should not be used as main drivers.
  • Separate requirements apply to the driving of minibuses (not covered here)

Driving your own vehicle

  • University equipment is covered in transit in a private car provided that it is not left in an unattended vehicle overnight, and during the day it is only insured if left temporarily in an unattended vehicle with the equipment out of sight e.g. in the boot, and the vehicle is fully locked. A standard insurance excess of ?1,500 applies. This is increased to ?2,500 if caused by theft not involving forcible entry or exit to the vehicle.
  • Your own personal property in the vehicle is NOT covered by the University. You should check your Motor Insurance policy which may provide some personal effects insurance or alternatively household contents insurance can be extended to cover possessions whilst away from your home. If travelling on University business involving an overnight stay your baggage IS covered under the University Travel insurance.
  • There are concise regulations covering the transport of dangerous goods (e.g. chemicals, certain biological substances, gases and dry ice) within the UK and internationally by road.? Where vehicles are used for fieldwork, drivers should ensure that any substances being carried in their vehicle are in compliance with those regulations and signage.

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