Professor Ven Tauringana

Professor Ven Tauringana

Professor of Accounting & Sustainability

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Ven


Venancio (Ven) Tauringana is Professor of Accounting and Sustainability at 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Business School, the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,. Ven was Head of Department of Accounting from April 2018 to 30th September 2023. He was previously Director of the Centre for Research in Accounting, Accountability andCreate Governance (CRAAG), Department of Accounting, University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,. Ven was the Acting Head of the Department of Accounting, 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Business School in 2016 and Acting Director of Research for 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Business School in 2017. He is also Editor of the Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management, Associate Editor of the Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies and Associate Editor of the South African Journal of Accounting Research. He was President of the African Accounting Association (AAFA) from 2017 to 2019. Before joining the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, in 2016, Ven was with The Business School, Bournemouth University from 2002 when he joined as a Senior Lecturer and was promoted to Associate Professor (2010) and Professor of Accounting (2014). He was Director of Research for the Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics (2010 to 2016). Prior to that, Ven also worked for Isle of Man International Business School, British Isles, where he was a Principal Lecturer in Accounting and B.A. Business Studies Programme Director (2001 to 2002). He also spent six years as a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance (1995 to 2001) at the University of Bedfordshire. Ven received a Masters’ Degree (M.Acc) in International Accounting and Financial Management from the University of Glasgow and a PhD in Accounting from Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), a Practitioner Member of the Institute of Environment Management and Assessment (PIEMA), an Associate Member of the Chartered Governance Institute (ACG) and an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Zimbabwe (AIBZ).


Ven’s main research interests are in the areas of sustainability reporting and corporate governance. His research has been published in a variety of journals, including the Review of Accounting Studies (ABS 4*), British Journal of Management (ABS 4*), Journal of Business Research, International Review of Financial Analysis, European Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, British Accounting Review (ABS 3*), Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, Journal of Small Business Management, Corporate Governance, Journal of Applied Accounting Research and International Journal of Auditing (all ABS 2*). Ven has examined over 25 PhD students, supervised 15 PhD students to successful completion, and currently supervising many students in the above-named research areas. He has received research grants funding totalling over ?150,000. In April 2012 and April 2016, Ven received the Emerald Literati Award for his outstanding contribution as a reviewer for the Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies in 2011 and the Emerald Literati Award for outstanding research paper in 2019. He has served as a Visiting Professor in the USA (the University of Akron, University of Central Arkansas), France (Bordeaux School of Management) and Africa (Makerere University, Uganda).


Over the years, Ven has worked closely with the industry in his research areas of environmental reporting and sustainability reporting nationally and internationally. For example, he has consulted for Condor Ferries (U.K.) on a project on environmental reporting in the ferry and logistics industries (2012), and the environmental management system in 2014 with Paramount 21 Ltd (U.K.). Internationally, he worked with Uganda Manufacturing Association (UMA) in 2016 by holding workshops to show how companies operating under its auspices can measure and report greenhouse gas emissions. He worked with UMA, training its member firms on how to produce sustainability reports as part of a research impact case which the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, submitted in March 2021 to the U.K. Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021. In July 2019, Ven appeared on National Broadcasting Corporation (NBS) television

 and the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) ( the need for Ugandan companies to start producing sustainability reports. He was also featured in the New Vision newspaper (p.35), published in Uganda on 31 July 2019, urging companies to report their sustainability issues publicly to increase their sales. Since then, he has been featured on the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, news page (/news/2019/12/ and appeared on the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Re:Action news magazine issue 13 (winter 2019 edition p. 18-19) on how his work is contributing to U.N. sustainable development goals.  The magazine can be accessed here: /publicpolicy/support-for-researchers/re-action/ According to the REF research impact case results released in May 2022, the UOA 17 University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, research impact cases got an average rating of 3.57/4, suggesting that Ven’s impact case made a significant contribution to the REF 2021 research impact cases outcome (/business-school/research/impact/ Since the conclusion of the Uganda research impact case, Ven developed two modules on sustainability reporting to be offered as option modules on the BSc Accounting and Finance and MSc Accounting and Finance programs. As a pilot, Ven recruited 15 (4 BSc and 11 MSc Accounting and Finance students) so that they could be trained in sustainability reporting and then work with (see

SMEs, in sustainability reporting and then work with SMEs, helping them prepare their first sustainability. The 15 students have now been divided into six groups and are working with 6 SMEs (4 SMEs in theU.K.K and 2 SMEs in China) to help them produce their first reports. At the same time, Ven has been working with colleagues to help SMEs produce sustainability reports (



Ven has taught many subjects both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. These subjects have Financial Reporting B.A. Accounting and Finance, 2nd year) and Financial Reporting B.A. Business Studies, 4th year) and Environmental Reporting (MSc International Accounting and Finance. Previously, he taught Accounting for Decision Making, Management Accounting, Financial Management, Managing and Measuring Performance to MSc International Business students, International Accounting and Financial Management to MSc Accounting and Finance and MSc Accounting and Management and MBA students. Student evaluations of the units he leads and teaches have been consistently strong. He is currently an external examiner for the BSc Accounting and Finance degree at Aston University and previously served four-year terms as an external examiner for BSc Accounting and Finance at the University of Kent and University of Bedfordshire and MSc degree courses at the University of Hertfordshire. Ven has acted as external examiner for MPhil theses at Nottingham Trent University and PhD theses at a number ofU.K.K universities, including the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,, Bradford University, University of Birmingham, Sheffield Hallam University, Liverpool John Moores University, Nottingham Trent University, and the University of Sheffield.