Doctor Millie Pearse

Dr Millie Pearse

Senior Research Fellow

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46 publications
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Camille Parsons, Nicholas R. Fuggle, Mark H. Edwards, Lyndsey Goulston, Anna E. Litwic, Darshan Jagannath, Suzan van der Pas, Cyrus Cooper & Elaine M. Dennison, 2018, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 30(1), 17-25
Type: article
Hazel Inskip, Georgia Ntani, Leo Westbury, Chiara Di Gravio, Stefania D'angelo, Camille Parsons & Janis Baird, 2017, Archives of Public Health
Type: article
Charlotte Beaudart, Mark Edwards, Charlotte Moss, Jean-Yves Reginster, Rebecca Moon, Millie Parsons, Christophe Demoulin, Rene Rizzoli, Emmanuel Biver, Elaine Dennison, Olivier Bruyere & Cyrus Cooper, 2016, Age and Ageing, 1-7
Type: article
Mark H. Edwards, Camille Parsons, Olivier Bruyere, Florence Petit Dop, Roland Chapurlat, F Roemer, A. Guermazi, S. Zaim, H. Genant, Jean-Yves Reginster, Elaine Dennison & Cyrus Cooper, 2016, The Journal of Rheumatology, 43(3), 657-665
Type: article
Salah Mansour, Anna S. Tocheva, Joseph P. Sanderson, Lyndsey M. Goulston, Helen Platten, Lina Serhal, Camille Parsons, Mark H. Edwards, Christopher H. Woelk, Paul T. Elkington, Tim Elliott, Cyrus Cooper, Christopher J. Edwards & Stephan D. Gadola, 2015, Journal of Immunology, 195(12), 5582-5591
Type: article
F. Eymard, C. Parsons, M.H. Edwards, F. Petit Dop, J.-Y. Reginster, O. Bruyere, P. Richette, C. Cooper & X. Chevalier, 2015, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 23(6), 851-859
Type: article
Camille Parsons, M. Clynes, H.E. Syddall, D. Jagannath, A. Litwic, S. van der Pas, C. Cooper, E.M. Dennison & M.H. Edwards, 2015, SpringerPlus, 4, 177
Type: article
J. Saunders, M. Naghibi, Z. Leach, Camille Parsons, A. King, T. Smith & M. Stroud, 2015, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69, 282–284
Type: article