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网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Law School

Law school hosts Living on the Edge knowledge co-production event

Published: 29?June?2023
Professor Helen Carr
Professor Helen Carr

On 25th May 2023, 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Law School hosted Living on the Edge which brought together a number of stakeholders to explore contemporary issues in the regulation and governance of housing and homelessness, housing and health, housing and at-risk populations, housing affordability, housing activism and resistance.

This event was co-organised by Professor Helen Carr and Mary D’Arcy who facilitated on the day.

Guests were welcomed by Professor Jane Falkingham (Vice President, Engagement and International) who introduced the event and the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, as a civic university. The Civic Charter signed in March 2023 promises that the University will work more closely with and for the local community to make an impact, and this event was the first step in building an important bridge between academia and community organisations.

Guest speakers included Dr Ed Kirton-Darling (University of Bristol) who gave an introduction to his work on veteran homelessness, and how collaborative approaches underpin his research. Gareth Giles, Head of Policy Impact and Morgan Mason also spoke about the policy impact reach and research funding opportunities within the University respectively.

The aims of the day were to create an open environment for better understanding of the opportunities that research provides to the wider community and civic system by exploring some of the thorny issues around housing and homelessness in a collaborative space. The event also enabled community and system partners to understand the opportunity and resources that partnering with the University can bring. Finally, the event enabled academics and system actors to understand each other’s work and world, and crucially know who to contact when/if they have an idea for collaboration whilst building relationships and trust.

The day took a workshop format where guests could sign up to a number of discussion sessions which were designed to enable a conversation between the various participants and to learn more about their backgrounds and the issues they have been/are currently facing. A number of colleagues within the Law School (Dr Dina Lupin, Jan Steele, Tracey Varnava, and Dean Taylor) were facilitators of these workshops.

Work continues building on momentum created by this event. Feedback from attendees is being analysed, with a view to meeting with Professor Falkingham to ensure opportunities for co-produced research in our local environment can be maximised.

Prof Jane Falkingham opening the event and giving the welcome
Prof Jane Falkingham opening the event and giving the welcome
Prof Helen Carr outlining the aims of the event
Prof Helen Carr outlining the aims of the event
Morgan Mason outlining the work of Research and Innovation Services (RIS)
Morgan Mason outlining the work of Research and Innovation Services (RIS)
Gareth Giles outlining impact work in Public Policy|网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, (PPS)
Gareth Giles outlining impact work in Public Policy|网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, (PPS)
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