Professor Jadu Dash

Professor Jadu Dash

Professor of Remote Sensing

Research interests

  • Satellite derived land surface phenology and its validation with ground data
  • Developing a chlorophyll content based production efficiency model to quantify terrestrial carbon uptake
  • Impact of extreme climatic events on vegetation phenology

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Jadu Dash is currently a Professor in Remote Sensing within Geography and Environmental Science at the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,. He has been a member of staff in Geography and Environmental Science since 2006. He specialises in pure and applied remote sensing, particularly using innovative algorithms to derive information about the state and condition of the ecosystem from Earth observation data and study the impact of climate and anthropogenic changes on the ecosystem. He works closely with the European Space Agency and in particular, has a strong contribution to its flagship Sentinel programme (One of the largest environmental monitoring programme in the world). His recent work focusses on utilisation of satellite remote sensing data to answer some of the global developmental changes which ranges from predicting crop in in small holder farms in Africa to mapping the distribution of Sargassum Seaweed in across the Atlantic. His group is also leading the operational validation of Copernicus global vegetation products to ensure they meet the quality requirement for downstream application.