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Public Policy|网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,

Policy Engagement Best Practices

Public Policy|网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, (PPS) details best engagement practices.?Learn from the experience of university academics and policy experts on how to engage with policy makers.

Dr Christina Vogel

Dr Christina Vogel: My policy journey, so far

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Dr Jane Parry

Dr Jane Parry, Director of Research for HRM and Organisational Behaviour within 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Business School discusses her experience with policy.

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Prof. Paul Kemp

Professor Paul Kemp, Director of the International Centre for Ecohydraulics Research at the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.

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Prof. John Denham

Prof. John Denham, Director of the Centre for English Identity and Politics and Southern Policy Centre shares his valuable insight on policy impact.

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Dr Sebastian Stein

Dr Seb Stein, Associate Professor within the Agents, Interaction and Complexity Research Group reflects on his policy journey, so far.

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Find more about the music used in our video series 'My policy journey, so far'

Gareth Giles

Gareth Giles Head of Public Policy|网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, discusses the supporting role of Public Policy|网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,.

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Professor Pauline Leonard

Listen to Professor Pauline Leonard who reflects on her engagement with policymakers.

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Professor Emma Tompkins

Watch Professor Emma Tompkins reflect on how she worked with policymakers to expand the reach of her research.

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Professor Neil Bressloff

Listen to Professor Neil Bressloff discuss his research on the design of cardiovascular devices and collaboration with PPS.

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Professor Jim Scanlan

Watch Professor Jim Scanlan talk about his experience of engaging with policymakers.

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Professor Themis Prodromakis

Watch Professor Themis Prodromakis discuss his work on AI solutions and his role as a Chair of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

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Professor Dame Wendy Hall

Watch Prof Dame Wendy Hall sharing her valuable insight from her extensive engagement with policymakers.

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Professor Jakub Bijak

Watch Prof Jakub Bijak, shedding light on the policy angles of recent and ongoing projects on migration that he is involved in.

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Professor Mark Spearing

Watch Vice President (R&E) Mark Spearing addressing the importance of the public policy impact in research and sharing ways to enhance it.

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Professor Mark Hanson

Watch British Heart Foundation Prof of Cardiovascular Science, Prof Mark Hanson, addressing the importance of policy engagement.

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Professor Stephen Holgate

Watch Prof Stephen Holgate, Medical Research Council Prof. of immunopharmacology at the UoS, talk about his experience of engaging with policymakers.

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Professor Mary Barker

Watch Prof of Psychology and Behavioural Science, Mary Barker, give useful tips on how academics could use their research to engage with policymakers.

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Professor Athina Vlachantoni

Watch Prof. of Gerontology and Social Policy and Director of ESRC SCDTP, Athina Vlachantoni, reflecting on her experience engaging with policymakers.

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Professor Jane Falkingham

Watch Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Prof. Jane Falkingham, discuss her own experience engaging with policymakers.

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Professor Rachel Mills

Watch Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Prof. Rachel Mills discuss her experience engaging with policymakers.

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Professor Will Jennings

Watch Prof. Will Jennings discuss his time giving evidence to the House of Commons BEIS Committee.

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Professor Guy Poppy

Watch Prof. Guy Poppy discuss his experience as Chief Scientific Adviser to the Food Standards Agency.

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Professor Anneke Lucassen

Watch Prof. Anneke Lucassen discusses her experience as the president of the British Society of Genetic Medicine to influence policy.

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Professor Andy Tatem

Watch Director of WorldPop, Prof. Andy Tatem, discuss his collaboration with UNFPA and other UN agencies.

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Dr Matthew Loxham

Watch Dr Matt Loxham discuss his involvement with local and national policymakers regarding clean air.

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Dr Asif Hameed

Watch Dr Asif Hameed explaining the UK Supreme Court ruling on prorogation delivered on 24 September 2019.

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Gavin Costigan

Listen to Gavin Costigan talk about the role of Public Policy 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,.

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Policy Podcasts

Policy Podcasts

Click here to listen to our policy podcasts.? In each episode we speak to the?UoS researchers and experts, about their experiences confronting critical issues in the domestic and foreign policies.

Ways to engage

Support for researchers

Click here to find the various ways PPS can support you with your research project and help you to enhance the policy impact of your research.


Support for policymakers

Click here to find out more about the ways?PPS can support policymakers to connect with the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,'s researchers.


Support for students

Click here to find out more about the ways PPS can support?University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, students to?engage with public policy.

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