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Quality Handbook

Module Lead

The Module Lead is responsible for the organisation and running of their module.?The role of Module Lead will vary by School.

The quality assurance aspects of the role are detailed in various locations in the Quality Handbook.? This page has drawn these together in the tabs below, although this should not be considered an exhaustive list.

This page has been created to help those acting as a?Module Lead to access the Quality Assurance information that they will need for the role.? The information in the tabs below is generic and its interpretation and implementation may differ across Schools.

Additionally, some Schools may offer additional resources and guidance for staff, have different reporting structures, or set alternative deadlines to meet their governance needs.

Advice should be sought from the Faculty CQA team in the first instance.

The completion of Annual Module Reports has been held in abeyance for a further year (23-24) so there is no requirement to complete an Annual Module Report. However, if there is something specific that you believe needs to be raised with the Programme Lead, or needs to be more widely shared, you should request a conversation with the Programme Lead to discuss whether it could be included in the Annual Programme Report.

More information about Annual Monitoring can be found via the Annual Monitoring Portal .

To ensure that students are given at the beginning of each semester or year, the details of the assessment method for each module, including coursework and/or examination requirements, deadlines for submission and the criteria by which work will be assessed. Students should also be made aware of any formative assessment on the module and the differences between formative and summative assessment explained.

To ensure that students are given information on how and when they will receive feedback on their assessments, including any formative assessment.

To ensure that feedback on assessments is returned to students within 4 working weeks after the submission date. To inform students ?of the reasons if feedback will not be provided within this timeframe and when, in such circumstances, feedback will be made available.

Assessment Framework

Anonymous Marking Policy

Assessment Feedback to Students Policy

Auditing of Modules

Double Blind Marking and Moderation Policy

Guidance on making Reasonable Adjustments for students and staff

Proof Reading of Examination Papers

Scaling Policy

To discuss (with the external examiner) the approach to be adopted for moderation, in line with University Policy, including issues relating to anonymity.

External Examiners Procedures

To create, monitor and maintains the module profile for your module.

Framework for Taught Programmes

Changes to Programmes

UOS Modules

The results of these surveys are collated and reported to the Module Leader who then uses them as part of the information they consider when completing their Annual Module Report.

Academic Student Representation Policy

Principles for Module Feedback

Guidance on mid module feedback

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