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Quality Handbook ? Postgraduate Research


Overview of PGR degree provision, including degrees that provide opportunity for off-campus study.

The general aims of doctoral research degree programmes are to:

The University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, delivers the following doctoral degrees at Level 8 of the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies (October 2014).

Research degrees may be studied on a full- or part-time basis.? In cases where there have been periods of full-time and part-time candidature, the calculation of the maximum permitted period of candidature shall be proposed by the Doctoral College (Faculty) Office to the Faculty Director of the Graduate School for approval.? See also the Determining the maximum period of candidature when changing between full-and part-time study?guidance.

The Research Degrees that include Periods of Off-Campus study policy?outlines the different types of circumstances where a research student may be spending time away from the University as part of their programme of study.

The Joint and Double Research Degree Framework?defines and outlines the key functions and activities required for the management and day to day operation of a Joint and Double Research Degree arrangement that the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, enters into with a partner institution.? All partnerships must be approved via the procedure outlined in the Education Partnerships Policy.

The PhD by Distance Learning Framework sets out the requirements and expectations that should be met by a School if it wishes to set up a PhD by Distance Learning.? Proposals should be made via the PhD by Distance Learning: Evidence of Compliance form?and approved by PGR QME Subcommittee.

The Split-Site PhDs: Principles and Procedures provides specific guidance to Schools wishing to set up this type of agreement.? All partnerships must be approved via the procedure outlined in the Education Partnerships Policy.

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