Research group

Advanced Laser Laboratory

Advanced Laser Laboratory researcher attending a fibre laser experiment

Advanced Laser Laboratory is a joint TRUMPF Lasers UK (formerly SPI Lasers) and Optoelectronics Research Center (ORC) lab. The group is led by Dr C Codemard (TRUMPF) and Professor M N Zervas (ORC), embedded in the ORC, addressing fundamental fibre laser research issues.


Advanced Laser Laboratory has a very broad range of interests and activities within the high-power fibre laser area and has close links with other research groups and laboratories within the ORC and industry. 

网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, research is focused on the underlying laser physics to allow extended functionality and improved performance of pulsed and CW industrial fibre lasers. We develop disruptive fibre laser technologies for the next generation of high-power manufacturing tools.

Current research themes

  • Advanced concepts for scaling output power in fibre lasers and amplifiers 
  • Novel fibre architectures for scaling core area and brightness enhancement 
  • Novel fibre architecture for high-efficiency laser 
  • Novel fibre concepts for agile laser beam delivery and in-fibre beam shaping 
  • New concepts for pulsed fibre sources 
  • Novel fibres (active and passive) and material characterization 

People, projects, publications and PhDs


Dr Christophe Codemard

Research interests

  • High-power rare-earth doped ?ber lasers and ampli?ers,
  • Novel optical fibre technology for high power fibre laser industry,
  • Laser beam shape control, pulsed ?ber lasers, nonlinear effects, and numerical simulations.?
Connect with Christophe

Professor Michalis Zervas PhD

Professor of Optical Communications
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Dr Natasha Vukovic

Senior Research Fellow
Connect with Natasha

Dr Nikita Toropov

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Pulsed fibre laser;
  • Semiconductor optical fibers;
  • Hollow core fibre.
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Professor Michalis Zervas welcomes your enquiries.