Research project

R Wood - EPSRC EP/F004362/1


Lead researcher

Professor Robert Wood

Professor of Surface Engand Tribology

Research interests

  • the application of lubrication, wear and friction science
  • current and next generation critical machine components (bearings, transmissions, turbines, pumps)
  • renewable energy systems
Connect with Robert
Other researchers

Professor Julian Wharton

Connect with Julian

Research outputs

Mengyan Nie, J.A. Wharton, Andy Cranny, N.R. Harris, Robert J.K. Wood & Keith R. Stokes, 2013, Materials, 6(10), 4345-4360
Type: article
Stefano Neodo, Mengyan Nie, Julian A Wharton & K R Stokes, 2012, Electrochimica Acta, 88, 718-724
Type: article
Andrew Cranny, Nick R Harris, Mengyan Nie, Julian A Wharton, R.J. K Wood & K.R. Stokes, 2011, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 169(2), 288-294
Type: article