Engineering Sciences news_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ· Interwoven LiveSite /engineering/news/latest.pageLatest newsEngineering Professor leads project that merges art and microbial power_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0100ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, University Formula Student Team (SUFST) design their first ever Electric Vehicle_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, 10 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0100Memorial bench dedicated to Dr Angelo Grubisic_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, 30 May 2022 00:00:00 +0100International award for ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, structural engineering lecturer_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, 20 May 2022 00:00:00 +0100International sailing success for ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, Ship Science student_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, 19 May 2022 00:00:00 +0100Success for ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, engineers in the IMechE Design Challenge Wessex Region competition_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, 18 May 2022 00:00:00 +0100Engineering student recognised for sustainable city design_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, 17 May 2022 00:00:00 +0100ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, leads project to alleviate future electric vehicle pressure on the electricity grid_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, 16 May 2022 00:00:00 +0100ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, Engineering subjects in global top 100 and UK’s top ten in QS subject rankings_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, 13 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0100ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, students win human powered flight competition_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, 24 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000The Engineering Design Show (DS10) _ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·

The Engineering Design Show (DS10)

Thu, 04 Jul 2024 15:13:00 +0000 <p paraeid='{317a5473-65ba-4e68-aa0d-63377769dfed}{174}' paraid='1930227006'>This year&#39;s show was bigger than ever&comma; with over 1000 visitors&comma; despite the rainy weather&comma; viewing the work of hundreds of students from Foundation level to final year Group Design projects alongside Formula Student and the Spaceflight Society. The event provided a unique opportunity for industry visitors&comma; schools&comma; educators&comma; family and friends to catch a glimpse of the fantastic and inspiring work the students produce; the event is also a fitting celebration of the achievements of the final-year undergraduates at the end of their degree before they depart for new challenges.&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{317a5473-65ba-4e68-aa0d-63377769dfed}{224}' paraid='1881774255'>As part of the show&comma; the School awards several special commendations. Two of these awards are decided by visitors from industry&comma; and this year&comma; we were fortunate to welcome judges from Arup&comma; Ramboll&comma; Santander&comma; Shell&comma; and Siemens. The industry judges awarded the Group Design Project (GDP) Design Excellence Award to the Novel Anchor for Floating Offshore Wind&comma; and the Shell Innovation Award was presented to the Design and Build of an Alternative Combustion Engine.&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{317a5473-65ba-4e68-aa0d-63377769dfed}{250}' paraid='1962785865'>&quot;ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, annual Engineering Design Show is always a fantastic platform for students to showcase their exceptional work especially with the fourth-year capstone group projects bringing together multi-disciplinary teams to deliver their outstanding designs&comma;&quot; says <a href='/people/5wyg6q/professor-stephen-turnock' rel='noreferrer noopener' target='_blank'>Head of School Stephen Turnock</a>. &quot;With over a thousand visitors attending the main exhibition&comma; seeing their efforts celebrated is incredibly rewarding. The involvement of industry professionals with many of our projects and through our industrial advisory boards further strengthens our students&#39; industry connections&comma; preparing them for successful careers.&quot;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{14}' paraid='1160592319'>&quot;A personal highlight&comma; beyond the design show itself&comma; was the Primary Engineer exhibition&comma;&quot; Turnock continues. &quot;Seeing the creativity and enthusiasm of so many primary school children as truly inspiring.&quot;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{14}' paraid='1160592319'><img alt='A group of people standing in frons of a student’s design work' src='' style='width: 600px; height: 399px;' /></p> <h2 paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{20}' paraid='1935276213'>The group winners were:&nbsp;</h2> <h3 paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{30}' paraid='1906816130'>Shell Innovation Award&nbsp;</h3> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{40}' paraid='472917290'>GDP03 (Design and Build of an Alternative Combustion Engine): &nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{48}' paraid='2114873923'>Robert Harvey&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{54}' paraid='168786538'>Peter Lockwood&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{60}' paraid='249029003'>Ollie Leyshon&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{66}' paraid='183782232'>Fraser Heatlie&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{76}' paraid='1492855587'>Farok Benabdejlil&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{86}' paraid='917680662'> &nbsp;</p> <h3 paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{92}' paraid='6733236'>Design Excellence Award&nbsp;</h3> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{98}' paraid='8933210'>GDP56 (Novel Anchor for Floating Offshore Wind)&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{104}' paraid='140042900'>Tom Macfarlane&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{110}' paraid='1425600528'>Alex Chapman&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{116}' paraid='1830715388'>Edward Jones&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{122}' paraid='1176555302'>Jack McEwan&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{128}' paraid='1941417512'>Charles Finney&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{134}' paraid='1755393552'>Matthew Barnfather&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{140}' paraid='175181218'> &nbsp;</p> <h3 paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{146}' paraid='774156277'>Northrup Grumman Award for Excellence in Engineering Design&nbsp;</h3> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{152}' paraid='1350505730'>GDP58 (Toroidal Propeller UAV)&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{158}' paraid='911589567'>Jack Harding&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{164}' paraid='315638559'>Patrick Cleary&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{170}' paraid='1521198763'>Benjamin Horwood&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{176}' paraid='103147260'>Scott Kelly&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{182}' paraid='1998259327'>Vrishin Mehta&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{190}' paraid='1653107137'>Henry Straw &nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{196}' paraid='642647917'>&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{196}' paraid='642647917'>For the first time&comma; the School of Engineering also opened its doors to a select group of industry visitors for a special industry event. This event provided a chance to learn more about the facilities the University provides and opportunities for industry collaboration and involvement in the School&#39;s educational programmes. In addition&comma; Northrup Grumman selected the students from the Toroidal Propeller UAV GDP for their Excellence in Engineering Design award.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{214}' paraid='1906605930'>The Design Show also runs simultaneously with the annual regional Primary Engineer exhibition and awards ceremony at the Boldrewood campus. Over 71&comma;000 schoolchildren took part in this national competition across the UK&comma; and many of the shortlisted pupils from the South of England attended the exhibition with their families to celebrate their achievements in the competition.&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{232}' paraid='699201899'>Did you miss the event? The design show is available to view during the University Open Days this summer&comma; Boldrewood campus&comma; B177&comma; Level 3 and finishes on the 31st July.&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid='{bc2b0b68-2f49-4ea9-ae8e-141c8b903ab1}{1}' paraid='120523366'><a href='' rel='noreferrer noopener' target='_blank'>View online the 2024 show and previous years&rsquo; design shows</a><a href=''>.&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;</p> Design Show-10 (DS10) held on the 13th and 14th of June 2024&amp;comma; is the 10th annual School of Engineering Design Show since it was conceived in 2015 by former Director of Design Education Alastair Mcdonald&amp;comma; as a showcase for the School’s engineering undergraduates. of people standing in front of a student’s design workengineering/news/engineering/news/2024/07/ Engineering Design Show (DS10) _ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·

The Engineering Design Show (DS10)

Thu, 04 Jul 2024 15:13:00 +0000<p paraeid="{317a5473-65ba-4e68-aa0d-63377769dfed}{174}" paraid="1930227006">DS10&comma; was held on the 13th and 14th of June 2024&comma; is the tenth annual School of Engineering Design Show since it was conceived in 2015 by former Director of Design Education Alastair Mcdonald&comma; as a showcase for the School&#39;s engineering undergraduates. This year&#39;s show was bigger than ever&comma; with over 1000 visitors&comma; despite the rainy weather&comma; viewing the work of hundreds of students from Foundation level to final year Group Design projects alongside Formula Student and the Spaceflight Society. The event provided a unique opportunity for industry visitors&comma; schools&comma; educators&comma; family and friends to catch a glimpse of the fantastic and inspiring work the students produce; the event is also a fitting celebration of the achievements of the final-year undergraduates at the end of their degree before they depart for new challenges.&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{317a5473-65ba-4e68-aa0d-63377769dfed}{224}" paraid="1881774255">As part of the show&comma; the School awards several special commendations. Two of these awards are decided by visitors from industry&comma; and this year&comma; we were fortunate to welcome judges from Arup&comma; Ramboll&comma; Santander&comma; Shell&comma; and Siemens. The industry judges awarded the Group Design Project (GDP) Design Excellence Award to the Novel Anchor for Floating Offshore Wind&comma; and the Shell Innovation Award was presented to the Design and Build of an Alternative Combustion Engine.&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{317a5473-65ba-4e68-aa0d-63377769dfed}{250}" paraid="1962785865">&quot;ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·, annual Engineering Design Show is always a fantastic platform for students to showcase their exceptional work especially with the fourth-year capstone group projects bringing together multi-disciplinary teams to deliver their outstanding designs&comma;&quot; says <a href="/people/5wyg6q/professor-stephen-turnock" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Head of School Stephen Turnock</a>. &quot;With over a thousand visitors attending the main exhibition&comma; seeing their efforts celebrated is incredibly rewarding. The involvement of industry professionals with many of our projects and through our industrial advisory boards further strengthens our students&#39; industry connections&comma; preparing them for successful careers.&quot;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{14}" paraid="1160592319">&quot;A personal highlight&comma; beyond the design show itself&comma; was the Primary Engineer exhibition&comma;&quot; Turnock continues. &quot;Seeing the creativity and enthusiasm of so many primary school children as truly inspiring.&quot;&nbsp;</p> <h2 paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{20}" paraid="1935276213">The group winners were:&nbsp;</h2> <h3 paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{30}" paraid="1906816130">Shell Innovation Award&nbsp;</h3> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{40}" paraid="472917290">GDP03 (Design and Build of an Alternative Combustion Engine): &nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{48}" paraid="2114873923">Robert Harvey&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{54}" paraid="168786538">Peter Lockwood&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{60}" paraid="249029003">Ollie Leyshon&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{66}" paraid="183782232">Fraser Heatlie&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{76}" paraid="1492855587">Farok Benabdejlil&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{86}" paraid="917680662"> &nbsp;</p> <h3 paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{92}" paraid="6733236">Design Excellence Award&nbsp;</h3> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{98}" paraid="8933210">GDP56 (Novel Anchor for Floating Offshore Wind)&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{104}" paraid="140042900">Tom Macfarlane&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{110}" paraid="1425600528">Alex Chapman&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{116}" paraid="1830715388">Edward Jones&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{122}" paraid="1176555302">Jack McEwan&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{128}" paraid="1941417512">Charles Finney&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{134}" paraid="1755393552">Matthew Barnfather&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{140}" paraid="175181218"> &nbsp;</p> <h3 paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{146}" paraid="774156277">Northrup Grumman Award for Excellence in Engineering Design&nbsp;</h3> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{152}" paraid="1350505730">GDP58 (Toroidal Propeller UAV)&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{158}" paraid="911589567">Jack Harding&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{164}" paraid="315638559">Patrick Cleary&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{170}" paraid="1521198763">Benjamin Horwood&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{176}" paraid="103147260">Scott Kelly&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{182}" paraid="1998259327">Vrishin Mehta&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{190}" paraid="1653107137">Henry Straw &nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{196}" paraid="642647917">&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{196}" paraid="642647917">For the first time&comma; the School of Engineering also opened its doors to a select group of industry visitors for a special industry event. This event provided a chance to learn more about the facilities the University provides and opportunities for industry collaboration and involvement in the School&#39;s educational programmes. In addition&comma; Northrup Grumman selected the students from the Toroidal Propeller UAV GDP for their Excellence in Engineering Design award.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{214}" paraid="1906605930">The Design Show also runs simultaneously with the annual regional Primary Engineer exhibition and awards ceremony at the Boldrewood campus. Over 71&comma;000 schoolchildren took part in this national competition across the UK&comma; and many of the shortlisted pupils from the South of England attended the exhibition with their families to celebrate their achievements in the competition.&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{fac71755-7497-4d0f-836a-4a3174dee025}{232}" paraid="699201899">Did you miss the event? The design show is available to view during the University Open Days this summer&comma; Boldrewood campus&comma; B177&comma; Level 3 and finishes on the 31st July.&nbsp;</p> <p paraeid="{bc2b0b68-2f49-4ea9-ae8e-141c8b903ab1}{1}" paraid="120523366"><a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">View online the 2024 show and previous years&rsquo; design shows</a><a href="">.&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;</p> DS10&amp;comma; was held on the 13th and 14th of June 2024&amp;comma; is the tenth annual School of Engineering Design Show since it was conceived in 2015 by former Director of Design Education Alastair Mcdonald&amp;comma; as a showcase for the School’s engineering undergraduates. of people standing in front of a student’s design workengineering/news/engineering/news/2024/07/
Scientists take research to Parliament to win gold medal_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·

Scientists take research to Parliament to win gold medal

Tue, 05 Mar 2024 11:10:00 +0000 <p>STEM for BRITAIN is a poster competition in the House of Commons &ndash; involving 120 early stage or early career researchers - judged by professional and academic experts&comma; each winner receives a cash prize with a medal for the gold recipient. All presenters are entered into either engineering&comma;&nbsp;biological and biomedical sciences&comma; chemistry&comma; mathematics and physics categories.</p> <p><a href='/people/5wxz2d/professor-gill-reid'>Professor Gill Reid&nbsp;</a>from the University of ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·,&comma; and also President of the Royal Society of Chemistry congratulated Maciej Walerowski (Postgraduate) for winning gold medal at the competition.</p> <p>&ldquo;We know that innovation in Chemistry is vital to bring forward solutions to the global challenges&comma; including energy&comma; sustainability&comma; and the environment. Therefore&comma; it&rsquo;s increasingly important that researchers are able to communicate the essence of their work to a non-specialist audience &ndash; something Maciej has clearly achieved. I hope this success inspires him as he progresses in his research career both now and in the long term.&rdquo;</p> <p>Maciej added &ldquo;I was absolutely thrilled to win the Chemistry Gold medal for my poster at the Stem For Britain event! Just being selected to present my research at this event was a huge privilege but winning gold was definitely a cherry on top! It was an amazing opportunity to showcase my research to a wider audience which I may not have had the chance to reach otherwise and I was able to take part in exciting discussions. I would highly recommend applying for this event as it gives a unique opportunity to share scientific research.&rdquo;</p> <hr /> <p><img alt='Hugo Putuhena&comma; a postdoc in engineering' src='' style='width: 350px; height: 410px;' />&nbsp;Hugo Putuhena&comma; a postdoc in engineering</p> <p>Hugo&#39;s poster assesses finding suitable locations for future offshore wind to meet net-zero targets by 2050&comma; while Robert&rsquo;s poster showcases his research about advanced methods for analysis of pharmaceuticals with X-ray diffraction&comma; both will be judged against dozens of other scientists&rsquo; research from across the country&comma; in the only national competition of its kind.<br /> <br /> On presenting their research in Parliament&comma; Hugo said&comma; &ldquo;STEM for BRITAIN allows me as an early career researcher to engage with MPs&comma; other policy makers and stakeholders who can influence policies related to offshore renewable energy. I hope that I can offer insights derived from my current research while also deepening my understanding of the policy making process.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <p>Robert Carroll&comma; PhD chemistry student&comma; added&comma; &ldquo;Coming to the end of my PhD I can present the full scope of the work I&rsquo;ve undertaken&comma; at scientific conferences this has helped me to interact with the wider community and improve my understanding of subject area. Now&comma; the opportunity to bring this to MPs&comma; and a more general audience&comma; is a great way to engage even more people with the exciting research we&rsquo;re involved with at ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·,&rdquo;.</p> <p><img alt='Robert Carroll&comma; PhD chemistry student' src='' style='width: 350px; height: 287px;' /></p> <hr /> <p>Stephen Metcalfe MP&comma; Chairman of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee&comma; said:<br /> <br /> &ldquo;This annual competition is an important date in the parliamentary calendar because it gives MPs an opportunity to speak to a wide range of the country&rsquo;s best young researchers.<br /> <br /> &ldquo;These early career engineers and scientists are the architects of our future and STEM for BRITAIN is politicians&rsquo; best opportunity to meet them and understand their work.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee runs the event in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Engineering&comma; the Royal Society of Chemistry&comma; the Institute of Physics&comma; the Royal Society of Biology&comma; The Physiological Society&comma; The Nutrition Society and the Council for the Mathematical Sciences&comma; with sponsorship from Dyson&comma; Clay Mathematics Institute&comma; United Kingdom Research and Innovation&comma; Warwick Manufacturing Group&comma; AWE&comma; the Society of Chemical Industry&comma; Institute of Biomedical Science&comma; the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research&comma; the Biochemical Society and the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences.<br /> &nbsp;</p> Robert Carroll and Maciej Walerowski&amp;comma; PhD Chemistry students&amp;comma; and Hugo Putuhena&amp;comma; a postdoc in Engineering at the University of ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·,&amp;comma; attended Parliament to present their engineering and chemistry research to a range of politicians and expert judges as part of  STEM for BRITAIN&amp;comma; with Maciej being awarded a gold medal by the panel of judges. Walerowski&amp;comma; PhD chemistry student&amp;comma; awarded a gold medal by the panel of judges_ÍøÂç²ÊƱAPPÏÂÔØ_°Ä¿Í²ÊƱÍø-¹Ù·½ÓÎÏ·Maciej Walerowski&amp;comma; PhD chemistry student&amp;comma; awarded a gold medal by the panel of judgesMaciej Walerowski&amp;comma; PhD chemistry student&amp;comma; awarded a gold medal by the panel of judges <h3>More on&nbsp;<strong>STEM for BRITAIN</strong></h3> <p>Each category session will result in the award of Bronze&comma; Silver and Gold certificates and cash prizes. The Gold winner will also receive a medal. There will also be an overall winner from the five sessions who will receive the Westminster Medal at a special awards ceremony in Parliament in April&comma; organised by the Parliamentary &amp; Scientific Committee.<br /> <br /> <a href=''>STEM for BRITAIN</a> was established by Dr Eric Wharton in 1997.&nbsp;Following his untimely death in 2007&comma; the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee&comma; with support from the Royal Academy of Engineering&comma; the Royal Society of Chemistry&comma; the Institute of Physics&comma; the Royal Society of Biology&comma; The Physiological Society&comma; The Nutrition Society and the Council for the Mathematical Sciences&comma; is working to further his legacy.<br /> <br /> The event is made possible this year with financial support from Dyson&comma; the Clay Mathematics Institute&comma; United Kingdom Research and Innovation&comma; AWE&comma; Warwick Manufacturing Group&comma; Society of Chemical Industry&comma; Institute of Biomedical Science&comma; the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research&comma; the Biochemical Society and the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences.<br /> <br /> The competition is open to early stage or early career researchers&comma; which includes university research students&comma; postgraduates&comma; research assistants&comma; postdocs&comma; research fellows&comma; newly-appointed lecturers&comma; part-time and mature students&comma; returners&comma; those people embarking on a second career&comma; and their equivalent in national&comma; public sector and industrial laboratories&comma; and appropriate final year undergraduate and MSc students&comma; all of whom are engaged in scientific&comma; engineering&comma; technological or medical research.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> engineering/news/engineering/news/2024/03/