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The University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,
The Student Hub ? Support and wellbeing

Student Inclusion Team

Student Inclusion Team

The Student Inclusion Team are committed to supporting underrepresented groups of students. They are here to help the University's student communities feel supported and engaged throughout their studies and to help these students take up the opportunities on offer to them. The Student Inclusion Team are part of the University's Widening Participation and Social Mobility department.

You're part of an inclusive and supported community and the Student Inclusion Team are here to help support your success. If you have a question or need guidance then contact one of our advisors.

Contact us
Support for Student Groups

Support for Student Groups

A range of support and guidance for underrepresented student groups, including Care Leavers, estranged and mature students.

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Ignite Your Success

Ignite Your Success

A blend of scholarships and opportunities to enable students from underrepresented backgrounds to reach their full potential.

Further information
Awarding Gap Project

Awarding Gap Project

A project aimed at reducing the awarding gaps that exists between Black and marginalised minority students and white students.

Find out more
Student Advisory Board

Student Advisory Board

Student Advisors, from underrepresented backgrounds, who work with Widening Participation and Social Mobility to develop strategies.

Learn more

Black Fresher's Guide

Handy guide, designed by Black students at the University, to help new and returning students from Black and minoritized ethnic backgrounds to navigate their adventure at 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,.

Commuter Fund

A fund designed to support living at home students, from low participation areas, with the cost of their daily commute to university.

Cowrie Foundation Scholarship

A scholarship from the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, and Cowrie Scholarship Foundation?to support black applicants.

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