Simulated hospital wards

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About the Simulated hospital wards

网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, 2 hospital wards include everything you need to learn clinical healthcare skills confidently and safely. You’ll use the same techniques and equipment that you'll find on placement. Built-in cameras and microphones operated by a central control room allow us to evaluate and record your practice.

Many of our healthcare disciplines train in these spaces. They're also used for learning advanced practice skills.


Each 5-bed ward is equipped with:

  • electric profiling beds, armchairs and bedside lockers
  • pan/tilt and zoom 360-degree cameras mounted in the ceiling and microphones over each bed
  • adult and child simulation technology 'SimMan' - computer-controlled manikins that mimic a range of acute patient scenarios

Other healthcare equipment includes:

  • transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machines
  • ice, wax and ultrasound machines
  • electrocardiogram (ECG) machines
  • blood pressure monitors and pulse oximeters
  • treadmill
  • manual handling and splinting equipment

Specialist dummy models give you the opportunity to practise important healthcare skills such as:

  • inserting a needle
  • using a scalpel
  • inserting a catheter
  • using a cannular
  • using nasogastric tubes