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The University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,

Sustainability Strategic Plan

Sustainability Strategy 2020 - 2027

The University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,'s Sustainability Strategy 2020 - 2027 was developed by the University in partnership with the Students' Union. It sets out our ambitious vision for a more sustainable University and what we need to achieve to get there.

Read the original document here

网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, vision is that by 2030, sustainability will be a part of everything the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, does: our individual behaviours, how we work together, and how we make decisions for the future. This is key to achieving our mission of changing the world for the better.

By 2030 we want to have achieved our target of net zero for Scope 1 and 2 emissions, have substantially reduced our Scope 3 emissions and have embedded sustainability into our teaching, learning, research, and professional services operations. We also strive towards continual improvement in areas such as energy reduction, waste and recycling, water consumption, biodiversity, sustainable procurement and sustainable transport, all of which also contribute to our Sustainability Strategic Plan.

To deliver on our vision, we have identified the following six goals.

Sustainability Strategy Goals Graphic
Sustainability Strategy Goals 1 - 6

Goal 1: achieve net zero emissions for Scope 1 & Scope 2 by 2030. Goal Champion: Kevin Argent, Executive Director, Estates & Facilities

What will we do?

We will create an ambitious 'roadmap to net zero' . The roadmap will set interim 2027/28 emissions reduction targets and include initiatives to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions, such as retrofitting our buildings to make them more energy efficient, switching to a renewable electricity tariff and de-carbonising our sources of heat , to ensure we achieve net zero by 2030.

Goal 1 Target:
? Scope 1 & 2 emissions: “Net zero by 2030”
? Interim: reduced to 1,888 Tonnes CO2e by 2027/28

The latest University Emissions report shows that our overall greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) increased by 12% from 2018/19 to 2021/22 largely due to gas use returning to normal levels and growth in post-COVID supply chain emissions. However, within this Scope 1* and Scope 2* emissions (key performance indicators for the Sustainability Strategic Plan) have reduced by 20% since 2018/19.

Goal 2: Measure our total emissions footprint and set targets for Scope 3 emissions reductions. Goal Champion: Wendy Appleby, Vice-President (Operations)

What will we do?

We will develop a method of measuring our total emissions, then use this to calculate the University's total Scope 3 emissions footprint and set ambitious reduction targets that will become part of the net zero roadmap.???????

Goal 2 Target
? Scope 3 emissions: “Net zero by 2045”
? Interim: reduced to 65,940 Tonnes CO2e by 2027/28

The latest University Emissions report shows that our overall greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) increased by 12% from 2018/19 to 2021/22 largely due to gas use returning to normal levels and growth in post-COVID supply chain emissions. However, within this Scope 1* and Scope 2* emissions (key performance indicators for the Sustainability Strategic Plan) have reduced by 20% since 2018/19.

Goal 3: Set a business travel emissions reduction target and implement through an appropriate action plan. Goal Champion: Jane Falkingham, Vice-President (Engagement & International)

What will we do?

We will reduce our emissions from business travel through an approach that balances the benefits of travel with its environmental impact.

Goal 3 Target
? Business Travel emissions: “Net zero by 2045” but with higher ambition to be “Net zero by 2030”.
? Interim: reduced to 5,426 T CO2e by 2027/28

Goal 4: Ensure that sustainability is a part of every University education programme by 2025. Goal Champion: Deborah Gill, Vice-President (Education)

What will we do?

We will offer sustainability e-learning to all students and staff as part of orientation, develop an interdisciplinary sustainability module available for all programmes and integrate sustainability themes into all programmes.

Goal 4 Target:
? Sustainability to be embedded in 100% of compulsory programmes by 2025

Goal 5: Make sustainability a cornerstone of UoS' research and societal impact. Goal Champion: Mark Spearing, Vice-President (Research & Enterprise)

What will we do?

We will establish a Sustainability and Research Institute . The Institute will be a virtual research 'centre' which brings together researchers from a range of disciplines to deliver interdisciplinary research projects addressing the SDGs.

Goal 6: Implement a sustainable and ethical investment policy. Goal Champion: Julie Fielder, Executive Director, Finance & Planning

What will we do?

We will develop a sustainable and ethical investment policy for all our investments and establish a transparent process of reporting on our investment decisions.

Achieving the Goals

We have set up a cross-University Sustainability Implementation Group (SIG) to set and lead the Sustainability Implementation Work Programme under the oversight of the University’s Sustainability Strategy Board (SSB) and the University Executive Board . SSB is chaired by Senior Vice-President (Academic) – Professor Phillip Wright .

SIG comprises six core staff drawn from academic faculties and professional services together with six Goal Champions and six Goal leads who are collectively responsible for implementing the Goal milestones. Additional staff and student interns are seconded to the SIG work programme from both academic faculties and professional services as required to complete specific SIG work items.

SIG meets every month to monitor and co-ordinate progress towards meeting these goals and is currently chaired by Professor AbuBakr Bahaj . Progress is then reported to the University’s Sustainability Strategy Board every quarter.

We are currently in consultation across our university community on developing our post 2025 Sustainability Strategy, to build on our achievements upon completion of the current strategy.

For further information and updates see:
- Sustainability news and Sustainability Strategic Plan Goal progress/updates: SUSSED (public)
- Strategy updates, presentations and SIG reports: SIG Intranet Site (UoS login required)
- Progress updates, community feedback/discussion and comment on SIG's work: Internal Yammer Group (UoS login required)

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