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Professor?Filippo?Maria Fazi

Professor of Acoustics and Signal Processing, Director of Research

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Professor Filippo Maria Fazi is an internationally recognised expert in the fields of 3D audio, sound field control, and acoustical inverse problems.

My research in audio technologies lies at the intersection of physical acoustics, signal processing, and psychoacoustics. Together with my team, I apply rigorous science to the development and design of innovative and practical engineering solutions.

Current Position

Filippo Maria Fazi?is Professor of Acoustics and Signal Processing at Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) of the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,, where he leads the Virtual Acoustics and Audio Engineering Team . He also serves as Director of Research of the Institute.

His research interests include acoustics, audio technologies, electroacoustics and digital signal processing, with special focus on acoustical inverse problems, multi-channel systems (including Ambisonics and Wave Field Synthesis), cross-talk cancellation systems, virtual acoustics, and microphone arrays.

He is also co-founder and chief scientist of Audioscenic , a young and dynamic start-up company that commercialises the listener-adaptive loudspeaker array technologies developed by Prof Fazi and his team.

Professor Fazi is a recipient of the Tyndall Medal (awarded by the Institute of Acoustics in 2018), a fellow of the Audio Engineering Society, and a member of the Institute of Acoustics.

Career history

Professor Fazi graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Brescia (Italy) in 2005, with a master thesis on room acoustics. He obtained his PhD in acoustics from the ISVR in 2010, with a thesis on sound field reproduction. In the same tear he was awarded a research fellowship by the Royal Academy of Engineering and was appointed Lecturer at the ISVR. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2015, was appointed ISVR’s Director of Research in 2019, and was promoted to Professor in 2020. He was a visiting researcher or academic at the University of California, San Diego (2009), at IRCAM (France, 2011), at the University of Parma (Italy, 2016), and at Tohoku University (Japan, 2018).

Since his appointment in 2010?Professor Fazi has led a balanced portfolio of publicly-funded research grants (EPSRC, RAEng) and industrial contracts, generating a research income in excess of ?4M. His industrial partners include the BBC, Huawei, ASK, and several major audio and telecommunication companies. He is the author of more than 150 scientific publications and inventor of various patented or patent-pending technologies. His research work and leadership have contributed to establishing the ISVR as an internationally recognized centre of excellence in audio research.

Research interests

The research of Prof Fazi and his team spans a variety of audio engineering-related research topics . These include:

  • 3D audio capture and reproduction, including binaural audio, cross-talk cancellation, Ambisonics, studies of the Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF)
  • Loudspeaker and microphone arrays
  • Sound field control
  • Human perception of sound in space
  • Auralisation
  • Combined audio-visual signal processing
  • Audio reproduction with listener tracking.

It also includes other topics related to acoustical inverse problems such as

  • Sound source localisation
  • Sound source separation
  • Acoustical holography

Research Projects


Research group

Signal Processing, Audio and Hearing Group

Affiliate research groups

Virtual Acoustics and Audio Engineering , Object-based Room Compensation

Research project(s)

Next Generation Recording Technology

Listener Position Adaptive Audio Reproduction

Fundamentals of spatial audio reproduction

Auralization combining finite element and geometrical acoustic methods

Describing sound scenes for next-generation audio

Diffuse Sound Field Representation

Beamforming applications in aeroacoustics

Nearfield Acoustical Holography

A compact and inexpensive virtual acoustics system for clinical and research evaluation of spatial hearing in cochlear implant and hearing aid users

Compact-Mode HRTFs

We are developing a new representation of a HRTF that is more compact, leading to sparser HRTF measurement rigs, smaller HRTF datasets and more efficient binaural rendering.

Theoretical Advances in Multichannel Crosstalk Cancellation Systems

Development of new theoretical and practical knowledge of multichannel crosstalk cancellation systems.

Virtual Acoustics in Hearing Aid Research

Development of a low-cost and small-footprint virtual acoustics system for evaluating spatial hearing outcomes for hearing aid and cochlear implant users in clinic.

Object-based Room Compensation

Director of Research of the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research

ISVR3071 Applied Audio Signal Processing, Lecturer and Module Coordinator

FEEG6011 Architectural and Building Acoustics, Lecturer

Professor Filippo Maria Fazi

Room Number : 13/4093

Professor Filippo Maria Fazi's personal home page
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