Research Group

Astronautics Group

James Web telescope in space with earth on the bottom right.

网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, group covers a wide range of fundamental and applied research in space physics and spacecraft engineering.

Part of Engineering


网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, members are active in both theoretical modelling and physical experimentation and are supported by a wide range of computational and experimental facilities.

Particular areas of expertise include:

  • space environment
  • remote sensing
  • spacecraft structures
  • space systems engineering
  • artificial intelligence, spacecraft autonomy and control

We have industry partnerships with:

And we have been sponsored by the:

We have also been a leading centre for the training of professional engineers in the worldwide space sector and associated industries since 1974.

Research highlights

Enhancing astronaut health and helping physiotherapists consult during COVID

Health researchers share their insights to support both astronauts in space and people on Earth.

People, projects and publications


My research falls into 3 main areas: space debris, near-Earth objects and remote sensing.
Professor of Astronautics