Conditions of hire for sports facilities

Version: September 2023

1. Interpretation

  • 1.1: "the hirer" means the person or organisation hiring any part of the Indoor or Outdoor sports facilities. No person under the age of 18 years will be accepted as a hirer.
  • 1.2: "booked period" means the period or any day reserved for the hirer.
  • 1.3: "period of hire" means the period during which booked periods have been reserved for the hirer.

2. Payment

  • 2.1: Block Hire - Payment for block booked facilities is required monthly in advance and is due by the first block booked date in each calendar month as appropriate. In the event of charges not being paid on the due date all further booked periods may be cancelled. Payment is due for all block booked dates whether or not the facilities are in fact used. Cancellations of any booked dates must be received in writing and, provided such written notification is received 7 clear days before the booked period, charges for that period may be waived.
  • 2.2: One-off Hire - A non-refundable deposit (in conjunction with Conditions 4) of the hire charge will be required in order to secure the booking. In the event of the booking being cancelled by 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport the deposit will be refunded in full.

3. Refusal or Cancellation of Bookings by 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport

The University, reserves the right to refuse any application or to cancel or terminate any booking, for any reason whatsoever, without being bound to give any reason for doing so and the University will not as a result of the exercise of this right incur any liability for breach of contract, or otherwise, or be held liable for any expenses incurred by the hirer either indirectly or directly from such refusal, cancellation or termination. Any charge or an apportioned part thereof will be refunded, subject to Condition 8 hereof.

4. Cancellation policy

The hirer cancelling the booking:

  • Over 7 days before the booking: We are happy to offer a full refund or transfer your booking to another date upon request.
  • Over 48 hours before the booking: We will give a 50% refund or a full refund.
  • Less than 48 hours before the booking: We are not able to offer a refund.

Please note that the time period stated refers to start of the day, not start of the booking. All refunds are limited to booking fees only. If you book local 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,, you may choose to take out cancellation/holiday insurance. Cancellation must be made in writing to:

5. Responsibility of the Hirer

The hirer shall ensure that all users of the University Sports Facilities, under or by virtue of the hiring, comply with the General Regulations of the University Sports Facilities (which shall be deemed to be incorporated in these Conditions) and the hirer shall be liable to the University for any breach thereof or of these Conditions as if such breach had been committed by the hirer.

  • 5.1: No animals, other than assistance dogs, are allowed on site.
  • 5.2: For large events the hirer shall nominate a minimum of 4 stewards who must be easily recognisable to participants and 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport staff.
  • 5.3: Participants in large events/competitions/matches must be met in Reception by a steward and directed to the venue and changing rooms.
  • 5.4: Appropriate footwear and clothing must be worn at all times. No jeans, outdoor shoes, boots or high-heeled shoes are permitted in indoor sports facilities. 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport Staff may ask participants wearing inappropriate attire to leave the facilities.
  • 5.5: The use of cameras and recording equipment is strictly forbidden in indoor facilities and all changing areas, without prior permission from the facility manager.
  • 5.6: Food and drink (other than drinking water) are not permitted in any indoor facilities or on outdoor courts/pitches except in pre-designated areas. Plastic bottles must be used for drinking water. Glass may not be taken onto any site.
  • 5.7: All rubbish must be disposed of in the bins provided. The hirer is responsible for ensuring the venue is left clean and tidy and all rubbish has been disposed of appropriately. A charge will be levied for each hour of cleaning required where significant levels of rubbish have been left.
  • 5.8: External bookies will be expected to provide adequate first aid cover and provision for the booking. 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport must be notified of any accidents taking place on site. This information must be passed to reception so that the relevant recording systems may be implemented.
  • 5.9: Users leave personal items in the changing room at their own risk. Keys for the changing rooms may be obtained from reception. If the key is lost or damaged you will be required to cover the cost of replacing the key.
  • 5.10: When groups of children are changing at Wide Lane we would encourage parents to enter the changing room with their child and assist. If the changing room has been designated to a particular sex and the child is over 8 years of age, additional changing rooms may be available to be used as a family room.
  • 5.11: We do not allow the use of drones anywhere on our facilities. 

6. Hiring by Organisations

  • 6.1: Applications for the hire of premises or facilities must be made to 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport on the official application form by the Secretary or other authorised official of the Organisation.
  • 6.2: All organisations applying for hire of facilities must be prepared to furnish proof that they are a properly constituted organisation.
  • 6.3: Block hire may be for a period of up to but not exceeding 12 months.
  • 6.4: 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport would require an Organisation to take out insurance cover against such risks as may be specified; covering personal liability of those taking part in activities on site.
  • 6.5: The hirer shall employ sufficient stewards to maintain good order during the hiring and shall expel any person acting in a disorderly manner, or disobeying the instructions of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport Staff.
  • 6.6: The hirer shall make arrangements for any special catering requirements at least fourteen days before the booked period; this should be communicated to 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport via email. We require proof of food hygiene insurance and a completed food safety disclaimer.
  • 6.7: Access to the Sports Facilities by all persons using a block booked facility is at all times to be through the official entrance of the Sports Facilities.
  • 6.8: Authorised vehicles are to be parked in the official car parks. Under no circumstances are cars to be parked on the access roads or playing fields.
  • 6.9: We do not allow inflatables on site without seeking prior permission, in writing, from the Site Manager.
  • 6.10: The hirer shall be liable on demand for any damage to the premises or the fixtures, fittings, furniture and any articles belonging to 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport and caused by his/her use of the premises. The cost of such damage shall be assessed by the Site Manager whose decision thereon shall be final.

7. Supply of Information

The hirer shall, if so requested for the purpose of recording first aid incidents, supply to 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport the names and addresses. The privacy statement attached indicates how 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport process personal data. 

8. Cancellation due to Inclement Weather

网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport reserves the right to cancel or curtail any booking due to forecast or prevailing weather conditions, emergency maintenance or other factors beyond our control. In such cases we will endeavour to find a mutually convenient alternative date for the cancelled event or issue a pro-rata refund. 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport will not accept liability for any additional costs incurred by the hirer in the event of such a cancellation.

In the event of inclement weather please telephone 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport to confirm the availability of the pitch one day prior to the event.

  • Jubilee Sports Centre: 023 8059 2119
  • Wide Lane: 023 8059 8085

For all sporting fixtures and weekend bookings please telephone the Wide Lane Sports Ground Duty Mobile as early as possible on the day of the fixture if you wish to confirm pitch playability: 

Wide Lane Sports Ground Duty Mobile: 0788 423 6191

9. Breach of Regulations

If any booked period of hire is cancelled or terminated by 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Sport as a result of any breach of these conditions, the hirer shall remain liable for the charges due up to and including that date, but without prejudice to any claim which the University may have against ‘the hirer’ arising out of such breach or otherwise.