Doctor Paolo Spada

Dr Paolo Spada


Research interests

  • Diffusion and impact of governance and social innovations (Democratic Innovations).
  • Combining large surveys, field experiments, quantitative and qualitative analysis?

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

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Research groups

Research interests

  • Diffusion and impact of governance and social innovations (Democratic Innovations).
  • Combining large surveys, field experiments, quantitative and qualitative analysis?

Current research

Dr. Spada's research explores the diffusion and impact of governance and social innovations aimed at deepening democracy in Public Administration, Parties and Organizations (Democratic Innovations). Combining large surveys, field experiments, quantitative and qualitative analysis in a comparative perspective, he has examined cases ranging from Brazil, the United States, Cameroon, Iceland, Canada, the UK, Italy, Portugal, Germany and the Czech Republic.

In the next four years, Dr. Spada will be primarily working on a Horizon2020 project called PHOENIX, conducting the evaluation of 11 pilots of Democratic Innovations designed to support the implementation of the European Green Deal. Secondary projects include testing platforms for digital participation, argument mapping, gamification projects and randomized controlled trials applied to study the diffusion of participatory governance innovations. 

Research projects