Transportation Group

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Meet our researchers and learn more about their expertise.

Mr Adrian Hickford

Senior Research Assistant

Research interests

  • Methods to assess future changes to national and regional infrastructure systems
  • Promoting use of active travel and sustainable transport and improvements to road safety
  • Sustainable distribution and freight
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Mr Ahmed AL-Shuaili BSc (Hons), MA, MSc

Research interests

  • Demand and capacity modelling for sustainable and Future transport.Design, monitor, and evaluate transport interventions to promote sustainable choices.Future mobility and the transitions to net zero carbon.Urban Air Mobility and Air Transport Modelling and Design.Transport safetyAccident investigation and analysisRegulations and policies
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Dr Alan Wong

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • the development of people-friendly, sustainable and liveable cities, that inter-link urban with transportation planning;
  • improving the de-carbonisation of road transport, with the associated improvements on air quality;
  • encouraging more sustainable modes of travel, including walking, cycling and taking public transport, with the health benefits these can also bring;
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Dr Andy Oakey BEng, PhD

Research Fellow
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Dr Ben Waterson

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Road transport
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Traveller Behaviour

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Mr Changhoon Lee

Research interests

  • Regional balanced development, regional equity
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Mr Changyeob Baek

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Mr Delin Wang

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