Wooden tiles from a game spelling out the word funding
Web Science Institute

Funding for research

We fund research and PhD studentships in web science, data science and AI, as well as collaboration between academic and non-academic partners.

Human-centred AI interdisciplinary studentship

We offer PhD studentships to postgraduate applicants who:

  • will focus their research on human-centred AI
  • are eligible for UK fees

Your research proposal should be on a topic such as: 

  • online health 
  • social and embodied AI 
  • democratic futures 
  • trustworthy AI 


Studentships typically cover fees and include a stipend (living allowance). They focus on a theme or selection of themes, which vary from year to year.  

How to apply

Learn more about the studentship, including how to apply, on our postgraduate research project page for the interdisciplinary studentship in human-centred AI.

WSI Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise (KEE) Fund

This funding is available to successful applications from University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, staff for socio-technical projects involving knowledge exchange or enterprise activities. These must relate to a changing, yearly theme in web science, data science or artificial intelligence.

The 2023-24 theme was artificial intelligence.

Knowledge exchange activities should involve a two-way exchange between researchers and research users, to share ideas, research evidence, experiences and skills. Enterprise activities should relate to a business opportunity emerging from research.


Successful applications for projects will be awarded between ?5,000 and ?15,000.


Wednesday 22 November 2023 at 5pm UK time (closed)

How to apply

Applications are now closed.  A new call for applications will be announced here in autumn 2024.

WSI Pilot Project Fund

This funds interdisciplinary research activity that leads to wider collaboration and the development of full research proposals.

We welcome applications from any member of staff at the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,, from any discipline, including arts, humanities and the social sciences.

Projects must: 

  • involve web science, data science, human-centred AI or socio-technical studies (and evidence your knowledge of them)
  • involve and promote interdisciplinary research collaboration
  • aim to have a real-world benefit for society 
  • show potential for being awarded further funding through a grant application within 9 months
  • have a realistic spending plan in place

Projects must run between 1 February and 31 July 2024.

This year we particularly encourage applications for projects related to artificial intelligence. These might involve, for example:

  • responsible and trustworthy AI
  • AI governance, security, justice, equity or ethics
  • AI and sustainability
  • AI-enriched society and culture
  • AI for health or life sciences
  • AI and place


Successful applications for projects will be awarded between ?5,000 and ?15,000.


Thursday, 4 January 2024 at 5pm UK time (closed)

How to apply

Applications are now closed. A new call for applications will be announced here in autumn 2024.