Research project


Project overview

The Universities of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, (SOU) and Glasgow (GLA) have established a new Silicon Photonics fabrication capability for the UK science base, through a project entitled CORNERSTONE. Following completion of the project, from December 2019 the CORNERSTONE fabrication capability will be self-sustaining. Based upon demand from the UK’s premier photonics researchers, this proposal seeks funding to extend the capability that is offered to UK researchers beyond the current Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) platforms, to include emerging Silicon Photonics platforms. These emerging platforms will enable a multitude of new applications either not suitable for the SOI platforms, or complementary to the SOI platforms. This proposal seeks support to bring the new platforms to a state of readiness to deliver the new functionality via a multi-project-wafer (MPW) mechanism to satisfy significantly increasing demand, and to encourage wider usage of world class equipment within the UK. This resource-only bid will facilitate access to a very significant inventory of equipment at the 2 host universities, including access to UK’s only deep-UV projection lithography capability.


Lead researcher
Other researchers

Professor David Thomson

Professorial Fellow-Research
Connect with David

Professor Frederic Gardes PhD

Connect with Frederic

Professor Harold Chong

Professor of Electronic Engineering
Connect with Harold

Professor Goran Mashanovich

Personal Chair

Research interests

  • Silicon Photonics
  • Photonics Integrated Circuits
  • Sensors
Connect with Goran

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Dong Wu, Li Shen, Haonan Ren, Meng Huang, Cosimo Lacava, Joseph Campling, Shiyu Sun, Thomas W. Hawkins, Ursula J. Gibson, Periklis Petropoulos, John Ballato & Anna C. Peacock, 2021, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27(2)
Type: article
Callum Littlejohns, David Rowe, Han Du, Ke Li, Weiwei Zhang, Wei Cao, Thalia Domínguez Bucio, Xingzhao Yan, Mehdi Banakar, Denh Tran, Shenghao Liu, Fanfan Meng, Bigeng Chen, Yanli Qi, Xia Chen, Milo? Nedeljkovi?, Lorenzo Mastronardi, Rijan Maharjan, Sanket Bohora, Ashim Dhakal, Iain Crowe, Ankur Khurana, Krishna Balram, Luca Zagaglia, Francesco Floris, Peter O'Brien, Eugenio Di Gaetano, Harold Chong, Frederic Gardes, David Thomson, Goran Mashanovich, Marc Sorel & Graham Reed, 2020, Applied Sciences, 10(22), 1-34
Type: review
Ke Li, Shenghao Liu, David Thomson, Weiwei Zhang, Xingzhao Yan, Fanfan Meng, Callum Littlejohns, Han Du, Mehdi Banakar, Martin Ebert, Wei Cao, Bigeng Chen, Denh Tran, Abdul Shakoor, Periklis Petropoulos & Graham Reed, 2020, Optica, 7(11), 1514-1516
Type: article
Jia Xu Brian Sia, Wanjun Wang, Zhongliang Qiao, Xiang Li, Tina Xin Guo, Jin Zhou, Callum Littlejohns, Chongyang Liu, Graham Reed & Hong Wang, 2020, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 55(8)
Type: article
Yang Hong, Ke Li, Cosimo Lacava, Shenghao Liu, David Thomson, Fanfan Meng, Xiaoke Ruan, Fan Zhang, Graham Reed & Periklis Petropoulos, 2020, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 394, 1138-1147
Type: article