Research project

Oscar Dias STFC Fellowship - Aspects of gauge/gravity correspondences

  • Lead researcher:
  • Research funder:
    Science And Technology Facilities Council
  • Status:
    Not active


Lead researcher

Professor Oscar Dias


Research interests

  • Einstein's gravity
  • Black holes
  • Holographic dualities (gravity/gauge theory dualities)
Connect with Oscar

Research outputs

Oscar Campos Dias, Harvey S. Reall & Jorge E. Santos, 2019, Journal of High Energy Physics(97 )
Type: article
Iosif Bena, ?scar J.C. Dias, Gavin S. Hartnett, Benjamin E. Niehoff & Jorge E. Santos, 2019, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(9), 1-42
Type: article
Oscar J.C. Dias, Harvey S. Reall & Jorge E. Santos, 2019, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 36(4), 045005
Type: article
Oscar J.C. Dias, Harvey S. Reall & Jorge E. Santos, 2018, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(10), 1-54
Type: article
?scar J C Dias & Jorge E Santos, 2018, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 35(18), 185006
Type: article