Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and Transcripts

In order to qualify for a Degree, Diploma or Certificate of the University, other than an honorary, an ex-officio or an ad eundem degree, every candidate must have:

  • a) been admitted as a student of the University in accordance with the Regulations;
  • b) satisfied any additional requirements for entry prescribed for particular programmes of study;
  • c) pursued the appropriate programme of study for the prescribed period, satisfactorily completed any programme requirements and passed the required examinations;
  • d) paid as and when required the fees prescribed due to the University; and
  • e) complied with such Ordinances and Regulations as may be relevant.

The minimum period of study for any degree, diploma or certificate is prescribed in Academic Regulations.

Notwithstanding the above but subject to the provisions of the Charter and to the stipulation set out hereafter the Senate may permit students who have credit-/ECTS points from other Universities or places of learning and/or prior experiential learning to seek exemption from parts of a programme of study at the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, as the Senate shall determine. For the award of a University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, degree up to one third of the credit for the taught elements of a programme may be gained through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

For the purposes of this Regulation, study in any institution affiliated to the University and leading to a qualification awarded by the University shall, in respect of that qualification, be regarded as study within the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,.

The guidelines for issuing certificates, and for making changes, are given below. All charges are compliant with DfE regulations on student charges, which means students can receive a free copy of their transcript per year of study (upon request) and a free final copy known as the Diploma Supplement, which is provided with their certificate at completion of their Programme of Study.

The rationale behind these guidelines is as follows:

  1. In general students can reasonably expect to be provided, on request, with at least a minimum level of documentation free of charge as a consequence of their registration with the University.
  2. Any charges made will only be a contribution towards the costs involved. If we attempted to recover full costs, the charges would be reasonably high.
  3. To base charges on the amount of work involved to meet every different kind of request would lead to a long and complicated scale of charges. The scale of charges is short and intended to be reasonably easy to use.
  4. Consistency with these guidelines in all offices is important. However, Deans or the Heads of Professional Services or their nominated deputies have the authority to amend or waive these charges in exceptional individual cases.
  5. The system should run smoothly and minimise labour. For that reason all requests should be made from the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,'s online store ( so that appropriate payments accompany the request.

Reviewed in July 2016; no changes made

Reviewed in June 2017; no changes made

Reviewed in May 2019; endorsed by AQSC in June 2019

Reviewed in May 2020; minor changes made to weblinks; endorsed by AQSC in July 2020.

Reviewed in June 2020; small edit made

Reviewed in August 2023; text previously in the University Ordinances now included; approved by Senate in August 2023