网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Philosophy David Humphris-Norman Scholarship

These ?3000 scholarships are available to UK students and others who pay home fees studying for a postgraduate master’s degree in Global Business Ethics and the Philosophy of Management.

There are up to 3 scholarships available. If you're awarded the scholarship, you’ll get ?3000 off your tuition fees for your first year of postgraduate study.


To be eligible for a scholarship you must: 

Find out what equivalent qualifications we accept.

You must not be getting an external scholarship.

Deadline to apply

You must submit your application for MA Global Business Ethics and the Philosophy of Management by 30 June 2024. You do not need to apply for the scholarship separately.

We cannot accept late applications. If your application is successful, you will receive confirmation in writing via email.

All scholarship offers are final.  

How we award scholarships

This is a competitive process and not all applications will be successful. 

There are 3 stages to the shortlisting process: 

  1. We check that you meet the eligibility criteria.
  2. We review your Postgraduate application.  
  3. A panel, chaired by the Head of Philosophy, or their nominated representative, will decide on who gets the scholarships. 

The decision of the scholarship panel is final.

Conditions of getting the scholarship

Find out the conditions of getting a scholarship.