Courses / Modules / MANG1016 Realising Success

Realising Success

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
Level 4
Module lead
Rochelle Clark
Academic year

Module overview

Welcome to the “Realising Success” module. This is where you are going to learn how to create a successful future and make the most of opportunities at university to maximise success and get yourself in a competitive position.

The module is designed to ensure that by the end of Year One, you will have the confidence and knowledge to navigate your future career. By the end of the MANG1016 Realising Success, you as a 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Business Student will have the edge over the competition when applying for summer internships, year-long placements, and other work opportunities.

You will identify with what sort of sectors you might want to work in, whether it be Marketing, Sales, Finance, Procurement and how to succeed in an increasingly competitive market. This module will help to support you in making the most of the opportunities available to you during your studies.

The module has been created with insight from top employers and is run by the Placements Office in 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, Business School due to our industry expertise.