Courses / Modules / MANG3093 Analytics Implementation III: Knowledge Management, Methods and Ethics

Analytics Implementation III: Knowledge Management, Methods and Ethics

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Jaw-Kai Wang
Academic year

Module overview

As organisations have become more knowledge intensive, the ability to manage and create knowledge has become a matter of competitive survival. This module is intended to develop students a holistic view of business analytical intention and to understand that it is part of organisational knowledge management process through a blend of theory and current practice in knowledge management and business analytics in organisations. This module firstly introduces the contemporary importance of knowledge and knowledge management in which two perspectives will be examined i.e. objectivist and practice-based perspectives. In the objectivist perspective, information and communication technologies that play a prominent role in knowledge management processes are examined. In the practice-based perspective, knowledge management processes and social issues will be explored. The second part of this module explores two particular aspects of knowledge management i.e. knowledge discovery and creation by examining underlying methodology of business analytics, design thinking and methods and ethical issues.