Courses / Modules / MEDI6226 Human Biology & Systems Physiology

Human Biology & Systems Physiology

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Jonathan West
Academic year

Module overview

In Biomedical Engineering, it is essential to develop an in-depth understanding of human biology, anatomy and physiology, so that engineering expertise can be meaningfully applied to problems in human healthcare and disease as well as degeneration within the context of the life course. This ‘Human Biology and Systems Physiology’ module comprises a foundation in human cellular and molecular biology and how the body functions as a whole system. Particular attention will be given to five, key biological system strands: the Immune System, the Musculoskeletal System, the Cardiovascular System, the Respiratory System and Neurosensory Systems. In these key strands you will receive a more in-depth view of the relevant biology and physiology, existing concepts and models of the systems in health and in disease. Links are made throughout the module to allied engineering themes.

There will be an integrated, cross-referenced, series of lecturers, first exploring the molecular and cellular characteristics of human biology, followed by multi-lecture strands covering the key human physiological systems. The system lectures will be supplemented with lectures with a biomedical engineering focus from recognised experts in the fields of tissue repair and microfluidics. The lectures will be combined with a presentation workshop and a tutorial involving team-based thematic oral presentations.

This module is primarily aimed at students with an engineering and physical sciences background, wishing to apply their skills to biomedical challenges. It is not recommended for those who already have a background in medicine or biology

This postgraduate module is designed to equip you with the knowledge to appreciate and understand the organisation of human physiological systems, with perspectives spanning molecules, cells, organs and their integration into functional systems. This is coupled with a mechanistic knowledge required to understand system function and the causes of disease and degeneration that represent the focus of the pre-clinical and clinical application of biomedical engineering. The module will give you the breadth of understanding and critical thinking skills to tackle modern challenges in biomedical engineering, solutions to which will deliver real clinical impact.

Through this module you will be able to comprehend the nature of dysfunction of physiological systems in disease and degeneration that informs and underpins the use of biomedical engineering strategies taught throughout the other modules.

The module provides opportunities for you to develop and demonstrate scientific understanding, biomedical knowledge, communication skills, and critical thinking qualities