Professor Rob Scaife

 BSc. PhD

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8 publications
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Charles French, Chris Carey, Michael J. Allen, Philip Toms, Jamie Wood, Philippe De Smedt, Nicholas Crabb, Rob Scaife, Mark Gillings & Joshua Pollard, 2024, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society
Type: article
Alistair Monteath, Paul Hughes, Matthew Cooper, Dulcinea Groff, Rob Scaife & Dominic Hodgson, 2022, Geology, 50(8), 880-885
Type: article
Phil Stastney, Rob Scaife, John Giorgi & John E. Whittaker, 2022, Landscapes, 22(2), 99-122
Type: article
Phil Stastney, Rob Scaife, Lara Gonzalez Carretero, John E. Whittaker, Nigel Cameron & Enid Allison, 2021, Environmental Archaeology, 1-17
Type: article
D. Maddy, A. Veldkamp, T. Demir, A.S. Ayta?, J.M. Schoorl, R. Scaife, I. Boomer, C. Stemerdink, T. Van Der Schriek, S. Aksay & C. Lievens, 2020, Geomorphology, 358, 1-18
Type: article
Robert G. Scaife, Antony J. Long, Alistair J. Monteath, Paul D.M. Hughes, Michael J. Bentley & Philip Stone, 2019, Journal of Quaternary Science, 34(8), 609-620
Type: article
Alex Brown, John Russell, Rob Scaife, Louise Tizzard, John Whittaker & Sarah F. Wyles, 2018, Journal of Quaternary Science, 33(6), 597-610
Type: article
Penny Copeland, Matthew Johnson, Robert Scaife & Kathryn Catlin, 2016
Type: bookChapter