Professor Pia Riggirozzi

Professor Pia Riggirozzi

Head of Department

Research interests

  • Political economy of development
  • Global governance and international development
  • Rights-based approaches to health and welfare

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.


Pia Riggirozzi has expertise in political economy of development and health governance in Latin America, with a background in qualitative research and experience leading international, multi-institutional MRC and ESRC-DfID funded research in Latin America and Southern Africa. Her research interests include political economy of development, global health, rights-based approaches to health and welfare, regional governance in Latin America.

Pia has published books and articles in academic journals such as Development and Change, New Political Economy, International Affairs, Economy and Society, and Review of International Studies, as well as policy outlets such as The Lancet Migration. 

Originally from Argentina, her experience informed her research questions and ways of enquiry, deliberately bringing interdisciplinary insights to research issues about inclusive development, governance, equality and human rights.

She is currently working on an MRC funded project on gendered health inequalities, poverty and the challenges of inclusive development in Brazil: Engaging Users for Quality Enhancement and Rights (EU QUERO): Strengthening the maternal and child healthcare system over the first 1000 days in Brazil; and is Principal Investigator in the ESRC project Redressing Gendered Health Inequalities of Displaced Women and Girls in contexts of Protracted Crisis in Central and South America (ReGHID). Pia is co-director of the Global Health and Policy Centre (GHaP) at the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,.