Doctor Dennis Golm

Dr Dennis Golm

Lecturer in Psychology

Research interests

  • Early adverse experiences (i.e. abuse, neglect, institutional deprivation, bereavement)
  • Neurodevelopmental problems (i.e. ADHD, autism)
  • Emotional processing (threat processing, empathy, emotional regulation)

More research

Connect with Dennis


Dr Dennis Golm is a Lecturer in Psychology at the University of 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,.

His main research interests lie within the field of developmental psychopathology. He is interested in the mechanisms through which early risk factors, especially early adverse experiences such as institutional deprivation and childhood maltreatment in general, contribute to the emergence of mental health problems later in life. He is especially interested in biological markers of early adversity.

He teaches lectures in developmental and clinical psychology, and in developmental psychopathology. He leads the optional third year undergraduate module “Childhood maltreatment and mental health”.

He is the School and Young People Organisation Liaison for the School of Psychology. Part of this role involves the arrangement of partnerships with schools for research and outreach. He further co-leads the outreach project NeuroKids. The project educates young children about the brain through educational videos and school workshops.