Research project

Synthetic hematological data over federated computing frameworks (SYNTHEMA)

Project overview

SYNTHEMA aims establish a cross-border hub to develop and validate Artificial Intelligence techniques for anonymisation and synthetic data generation in rare hematological diseases. SYNTHEMA will generate reliable, high-quality synthetic data that can shape new virtual patients to further enhance diagnostic capacity, assess treatment options and predict outcomes in rare hematological diseases.


Lead researcher

Professor Michael Boniface CEng, FIET

Professorial Fellow in Information Techn

Research interests

  • Artifical intelligence for health systems
  • Human centred interactive systems
  • Federated systems management?
Connect with Michael
Other researchers

Dr Stephen Phillips

Principal Enterprise Fellow

Research interests

  • Cyber-security
  • Risk management
  • Secure systems
Connect with Stephen

Dr Laura Carmichael LLB (Hons), MSc (Dist.), PhD

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Data Governance
  • Data Sharing Models
  • Data Protection Law
Connect with Laura

Dr Brian Pickering MA, PGCert, MSc, DPhil, MBPsS, MBCS

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • technology use, especially in healthcare
  • the ethics of AI and explainable AI from a user perspective
Connect with Brian

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