Doctor Helen Paul

Dr Helen Paul

 MA(Oxon), MLitt, PhD, FRHistS, FRSA

Research interests

  • Economic History
  • Social History
  • Business History

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Helen


Research groups

Research interests

  • Economic History
  • Social History
  • Business History
  • South Sea Bubble
  • Slavery

Current research

Black Heritage and the Railways

Funded by the Centre for the South, Dr Gillian Kennedy (Politics) and I are working on a project which looks at Black history in Hampshire. We are particularly interested in the way in which the railway network connects to this history, given that usually more attention is given to maritime connections and port cities. 

The Swing Riots

Agricultural riots swept across the South of England in 1830. They have become known as the Swing Riots. I am involved in a public history project which aims to bring this history to a wider audience, in the run up to the bicentennary year. 

The history of the Darien Scheme

This was a failed colonisation project intended to create a Scottish settlement in the Darien region. 

Research projects