Doctor Patricia Romero De Mills

Dr Patricia Romero De Mills

Principal Teaching Fellow

Research interests

  • Pedagogical and philosophical issues concerning teaching and learning in higher education
  • Identifying and applying teaching and learning techniques to integrate creativity, criticality and self-reflection into the Modern Languages and Linguistics curriculum
  • The impact of mental health challenges on students' learning experiences and academic performance.?

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Research interests

  • Pedagogical and philosophical issues concerning teaching and learning in higher education
  • Identifying and applying teaching and learning techniques to integrate creativity, criticality and self-reflection into the Modern Languages and Linguistics curriculum
  • The impact of mental health challenges on students' learning experiences and academic performance.?

Current research

My main research interests are centred on pedagogical and philosophical issues concerning teaching and learning in higher education. I am particularly committed to identify and apply effective teaching and learning techniques to integrate creativity, criticality and self-reflection into the Modern Languages and Linguistics curriculum. Likewise, my research into the contribution of a compulsory period of residence abroad to our languages degrees has opened invaluable opportunities for me to observe the development of undergraduate students as language specialists and critical beings. This area has also inspired me to pay special attention to the impact of mental health challenges on students' learning experiences and academic performance. 

Research projects