Emeritus Professor Jeremy Wyatt


Research interests

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  • How to develop trustworthy, effective clinical AI and decision support systemsBuilding libraries of computer-readable clinical knowledge encoded in standard format to support multiple usesThe role of psychology in improving the capture, communication and use of health-related informationMore rigorous evaluation of clinical information systemsMaking better use of routine data using instrumental variable and related methods

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Jeremy is Emeritus Professor of Digital Healthcare and former Director of the Wessex Institute of Health Research at the University. Until recently he was advisor on validation methods to NHSX AI Lab, member of the Medicines & Healthcare Regulatory Authority’s Devices Expert Advisory Committee and Clinical Adviser on New Technologies to Royal College of Physicians. He currently leads the Faculty of Clinical informatics Special Interest Group on AI and co-convenes UK activity on Mobilising Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK) for FCI.