Doctor Luis Guerra

Dr Luis Guerra

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Evolution of the nervous system
  • Pharmacology
  • GPCRs?Non-bilaterian metazoansReceptor deorphanisations?

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

Connect with Luis


Research groups

Research interests

  • Evolution of the nervous system
  • Pharmacology
  • GPCRs?Non-bilaterian metazoansReceptor deorphanisations?

Current research

BBSRC Discovery fellowship (BB/W010305/1): 

Reconstructing the evolution of monoamines as neurotransmitters

BBSRC International partnering award (BB/X018512/1): 

Neuropeptide origins; study of neuropeptide functions in choanoflagellates


Research projects

Active projects

Sponsor: Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council
Sponsor: Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council