Pain research laboratory

More Information

About the Pain research laboratory

We focus on understanding the psychological aspects of acute and chronic pain throughout the human lifespan. We aim to improve how pain is managed by addressing its psychological correlates.

We have a dedicated temperature-controlled laboratory, with specialist equipment that allows us to explore how people react to pain. For example, we can present participants with highly repeatable stimuli, such as heat, cold or vibration. We then measure their responses to these stimuli. 

We also have a private waiting area and kitchen.

Technical specification

网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, quantitative sensory testing equipment, includes:

  • TSA-II neurosensory analyser
  • bespoke cold-pressor task
  • Rolltemp rollers
  • a handheld digital algometer
  • pinprick stimulators
  • set of von Frey hairs

We have 2 computers and specialist software for conducting experimental studies, neuropsychological assessments and meta-analyses. We also have access to a mobile eye-tracker.

Contact us

For more information get in touch.
School of Psychology, Shackleton, Building 44, Highfield Campus, 46 Chamberlain Road, 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, SO17 1PS  
We’re open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm UK time.