Dr Devon Lewis standing by a football pitch as a player kicks the ball. Devon is holding an iPad that shows live data streamed from a wearable sensor.

Muscle analytics for elite sports

Published: 14 November 2022

Dr Devon Lewis, a PhD researcher in Neuroscience at 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏,, has launched his own business, Inpulse, to give sports teams the ability to monitor muscle fatigue during training sessions so undertrained muscles can be improved and overtrained muscles can be flagged before they lead to injuries.

Injuries can end athletes’ careers in an instant. Sports teams need the ability to monitor the health and performance of their players muscles during every training session so they can identify issues before injuries occur. We developed the world’s first wearable sensor that directly monitors muscle fatigue and we’re working with 7 Premier League football teams to get their players back to peak performance faster without risking further injuries.

Dr Devon Lewis

Inpulse was runner-up in the startup category of the UK national Engineers in Business Competition (EIBC) Award and is currently based at the University’s on campus accelerator Future Worlds.