Research project

Atomic and Molecular Endofullerenes: Spins in a box


Lead researchers

Professor Malcolm Levitt

Professor of Chemistry

Research interests

  • Magnetic Resonance
  • Endofullerenes
Connect with Malcolm
Other researchers

Professor Richard Whitby

Professor of Chemistry

Research interests

  • Synthesis, properties and application of atomic and molecular endofullerenes.
  • The use of flow chemistry for the rapid acquisition of mechanistic and process information.
  • The synthesis of polyaromatic molecules for optoelectronic applications.
Connect with Richard

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

David E. Korenchan, Jiaqi Lu, Mohamed Sabba, Laurynas Dagys, Lynda J. Brown, Malcolm H. Levitt & Alexej Jerschow, 2022, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(39), 24239-24246
Type: article
Sally Bloodworth & Richard J. Whitby, 2022, Communications Chemistry, 5(1)
Type: review
Gabriela Hoffman, George R. Bacanu, Elizabeth Marsden, Mark Walkey, Mohamed Sabba, Sally Bloodworth, Graham J. Tizzard, Malcolm H. Levitt & Richard J. Whitby, 2022, Chemical Communications, 2022(80), 11284-11287
Type: article
Tanzeeha Jafari, George Razvan Bacanu, Anna Shugai, Urmas Nagel, Mark Walkey, Gabriela Hoffman, Malcolm H. Levitt, Richard J. Whitby & Toomas R??m, 2022, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(17), 9943-9952
Type: article
Boris Kharkov, Xueyou Duan, Jyrki JS Rantaharju, Mohamed Sabba, Malcolm H. Levitt, James W. Canary & Alexej Jerschow, 2022, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(12), 7531-7538
Type: article