Field equipment

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About the Field equipment

网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, geography and environmental science students use field equipment to analyse the natural world. This helps us to understand conditions in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere.

Types of equipment

Depending on the modules you choose, you'll have access to an array of tools to collect data for your studies including:

  • small uncrewed aircraft (drones) 
  • industry standard surveying equipment 
  • river flow measurement devices 
  • sensors for atmospheric measurements 
  • sensors for measuring water quality 
  • equipment for taking sediment samples 
  • sampling equipment for vegetation, and invertebrates 

We also have cameras and dictaphones so you can record interviews and environmental conditions. To make sure you can work safely in different locations we have a range of safety equipment.