Doctor Andy Oakey

Dr Andy Oakey

 BEng, PhD
Research Fellow

Connect with Andy


Research groups

Current research

Investigating the Scope for Integrating Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Into Mixed-Mode Fleets To Support National Health Service (NHS) Logistics Operations (awarded November 2023)

Current Projects

Working with multiple NHS Trusts as part of his PhD, the EPSRC e-Drone, UKRI Open Skies Cornwall, and the Department for Transport Future Transport Zone projects, Andy is researching the viability of delivery drones with a medical use case focus. Understanding how drones can integrate into existing logistics systems through operational research modelling, his work focuses on considering the practical challenges and identifying realistic mitigation strategies. Key studies undertaken as part of his work include multiple drone trials to the Isle of Wight and Isle of Scilly (FTZ), drone-medicine vibration investigations (e-Drone, FTZ, Open Skies), the development of a mixed-mode logistics optimising tool - integrated into a suite of drone and van logistic modelling tools (e-Drone), and the design and testing of a new approach to shared airspace (FTZ).

Research projects

Active projects


Completed projects
