网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, High Energy Physics group

Research themes

We are involved in trying to answer all of the fundamental questions.

Current major interests of members of the group 

We use the latest ideas in lattice theory, quantum computing, quantum field theory, string theory, phenomenology, and cosmology. 

Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)

We work with the UKQCD collaboration of seven British universities with the US-based Riken-Brookhaven-Columbia (RBC) Collaboration and the KEK group in Japan, exploiting the DiRAC IBM BlueGene/Q 1.26 Pflop/s supercomputer. We have a strong interest in kaon physics, heavy quark (b and charm) physics and g-2.  

Collider Phenomenology

We are engaged in phenomenological studies of the physics potential of present and future accelerators in performing tests of the Higgs sector of the Standard Model and of its minimal and non-minimal extensions, by using numeric calculational methods including full event simulation through Monte Carlo techniques, as implemented in the HERWIG program. These activities are carried out in the framework of the NExT Institute.  

Beyond the Standard Model

We address the following unresolved puzzles of the Standard Model: The origin of mass; The problem of flavour; The question of unification; String-Inspired models involving D-branes embedded in Extra Dimensions. We are interested in the experimental consequences of these theories at the Large Hadron Collider or the many Neutrino Experiments.  

Particle Physics and Cosmology

We seek the origin of dark matter and dark energy (75 per cent of the energy of the Universe is in a form that is presently unknown!). Can the dark sector be seen in gravitational wave detectors from exotic stars to early Universe phase transitions? We also study the problem of matter-antimatter asymmetry.  

Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity

We study some of the thorniest outstanding issues in quantum theories including strong interactions beyond perturbation theory (such as occur in QCD) and quantum gravity.  We study Feynman diagram techniques beyond the simplest leading results to try to find exact solutions of QFTs. We work on dualities between gauge theories and string theories, including holography. We have used the AdS/CFT correspondence to understand new descriptions of confinement and mass generation in QCD-like theories. We also study other approaches to quantum gravity, including recent work on asymptotically UV safety using exact renormalisation group methods.