Medical Education Research

About us

网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, research supports our teaching and learning activities and informs student support for students within the faculty and more widely

We contribute to national debate and best practice in areas such as:

  • sociology in the medical curricula
  • the impact of covid
  • clinical practice in primary care
  • novel assessment methods
  • the student experience, including undergraduate and postgraduate outcomes for widening participation 

We especially enjoy collaborating with, and learning from, our students through supervising BMedSc, MMedSc, MSc and PhD studies alongside Final Year electives. 网络彩票APP下载_澳客彩票网-官方游戏, staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students regularly present their research at national and international Medical Education conferences, contributing to national policy and debates.  

Through our PhD students’ studies, we have a special focus on the student experience, EDI and widening participation. Covering topics such as imposter syndrome, social support networks and accessible methods of teaching anatomy.?